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buckeyebri;2211007; said:
Very nice course, very playable, and very much in the middle of nowhere....

I might add a little pricey at $89 for twilight. There are a lot of very nice courses that you can play for that kind of money in the Gaylord and Grayling area, or over in Traverse City.

Forest Dunes is a top notch spot!! played earlier this spring. cant wait to go back.
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korchiki;2218286; said:
Used to be a great course but the ownership let it go to crap. Over the past few years they have been making every effort to get it back to a great course.

Seems like Shaker is is getting back on track. There were some greens that needed work, but all in all the course was in good shape. We ended up winning the tournament. I do not think there were many good golfers in the field, as we won with a 61. We played like crap and when I turned our card in I fully expected to finish somewhere in the middle of the second flight. In my experience, to win a scramble you need to put up a score in the mid-low 50s. Hell, we almost bogeyed our first hole, a 196 yard par 3.
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Very enjoyable time at the Dubai Creek Course today. 100'x so lot's of water and had to play with rented clubs, but they were a nice set of Ping G-20s. lots of water an sand on the course. I really struggled with the sand traps that I got in around the green, because the SW sucked and the sand was hard as a rock for the most part. I will post some picks later.
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matt_thatsme;2228038; said:
Seems like Shaker is is getting back on track. There were some greens that needed work, but all in all the course was in good shape.

I played Shaker for the first time the Thursday before last and really enjoyed it. The greens were sandy from having been aerated, however. Played the Par 5s under par - I'm not a good player, so that was quite an achievement.

Loved the natural setting. Did not love them apparently building houses around the course.
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Dubai Creek Country Club Pictures....Enjoyed the Water tee....drilled my tee shot right down the middle. These pictures don't show the amount of sand on the course. If there wasn't water, there was sand. The sand was hard like a wasteland so not difficult, except around the green where you want fluffy sand.

Club House.jpg


Islannd Green.jpg

Me on Water Tee.jpg

Water Tee.jpg
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Just got back from Monterey, Ca, where played two times on Poppy Hills. Was one of the AT&T courses, pros hated it, too many dead elephants buried in the greens. The course is closing for 18 months. Played well below my handicap (13), and shot badly. had 15 three-jacks (over 36 holes), greens were exceptionally fast, and even though I hit sand wedges/lob wedges high enough with enough spin to stop them on the freeway, they skittered awaaaay from the pin. The 4 & 10 I played with also had the same problems.

Great time, good buddy trip. Watched the Giants get ripped by the Reds, so wasn't able to get many strokes the next day. On day 2, lowered score by 10 shots. Oh well, if any of you have been up there to play, it cost me $90 on Sunday, and $55 on Monday. NCGA member card required, else in the $130-150 range.

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Played fallen timbers in Waterville today (Thanksgiving) wearing shorts... Shot an 88. 2-6s 4-4s and 12 5s... Made for some easy math. Had a ball that refused to be lost. At least twice I had no business finding the damn thing.
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Ventured out for 18 on Sunday. I got paired up with an interesting guy. He is the golf industry's dream. He had a brand new set of Adams golf clubs with a nice tour bag. All of his clubs had huge oversized grips. He also had a handheld GPS, a watch GPS and a rangefinder. At the end of his putter grip, he had a little cup that allowed him to pick the ball up without bending over. He also had stands (for lack of a better word) that he put on his clubs so that the grips didn't touch the ground when he laid them down while he was putting.

The sad thing is that he was probably a 40 handicap. I don't understand why people pay so much money for gadgets and new clubs when lessons would benefit them so much more.
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