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Ha ha. Quite the coincidence. Did you stay on site? We only stayed on site one night. Stayed at a house near Lake Martin and played the Birmingham RTJ courses the other days. In hindsight, we would have stayed on site at Farmlinks and played there a couple of days.
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Yeah there were 15 of us, so 8 of us stayed in the cottages along 11th hole with the big putting green in back. The other group stayed in cottage along 18th hole.

Is the Birmingham RTJ course the one thats 8100 from the tips? fourteenandoh and 4 others played that track thursday morning, from the tips.

I played 27 friday, 36 saturday and 18 sunday morning. It was also cart path only the whole time we were there, and as you know those fairways are HUGE. I was exhausted Sunday.
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The fairways are huge, but I managed to miss a lot of them anyway. They must have played Ross Bridge, which plays about 8,200 yards from the tips. We played Ross Bridge and Oxmoor Valley, both RTJ stops in Birmingham. Playing from the tips at Ross didn't even cross my mind. 8,200 is too much for me. I only poke it out there around 270-80 on my best drives. Probably average closer to 260. I would be hitting driver, hybrid all day. Sounds awful to me :biggrin:

We played 36, 36 and 36. Stayed up playing poker until 2-3 a.m. every night and we all had a "few" beers throughout. I felt like hell the last day. My swing left me about midway through the first round. The last 27 were up and down, but mostly down. Despite my poor performance, I still enjoyed my time at Farmlinks.

In a couple of weeks I am heading down to Sea Island for a week and plan on playing the Seaside, Plantation and Resort courses. No more than 18 a day this time. Not sure my body can take it.
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Playing the same old CC day in and day out. Still a head case with the driver. Put it away and play the 3 hybrid. Shoot 6 over on the back and take money from one of the guys (a 6 handicap) on the backside. Gives me four when should give me six. Makes me play better with the wedges and flatstick. Ergo, driving is overrated. Keep it on the fairway, and get it close.

Envy you guys playing all these courses, but wifey tells me that we're paying for the membership, so use it and if you wan to go to Monterey and play, it's on your allowance cash....ouch. Bought some 2013 ProV1's with daughter's water polo number (18), so don't have to mark up. Needed to put on some 'personalization' so put 'Go Bucks'. You good golfers probably like the 1x's, but I need the spin.

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: Hit 'em long, straight, and not too often
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I have spent the last five days in St. Simons and was lucky enough to get 72 holes in. I played all three courses at Sea Island: Seaside, Plantation and Retreat. The real treat, however, was 18 at Ocean Forest. It is nice to have a connection :biggrin: I have played several very nice courses, but Ocean Forest is on another level. If you can get on, I highly recommend taking advantage of the opprotunity. However, be prepared to get humbled. I will try to post some pictures soon.
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Played Turnberry Sunday evening. Shot a 47 (front 9). Trouble off the tee almost every hole. Had a triple, and 3 doubles. 1st round of the year and really only my 4th round in 2 years. Trying to get back into golf like I did.

But my woes (a big sweeping slice) off the tee is my downfall, just like it was about 3-4yrs ago. Contained it to about a 10 yard fade for a year, but back to the old ways
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8,200 from the tips???

Dang that is long.....260 is a great drive for us mortals.

If they told me I would hit it 240 yards in the fairway for the rest of my life, I would take it.

But I tend to stray from the short grass and usually trees grab my tee shot.

But golf is a four-letter word.

matt_thatsme;2336311; said:
The fairways are huge, but I managed to miss a lot of them anyway. They must have played Ross Bridge, which plays about 8,200 yards from the tips. We played Ross Bridge and Oxmoor Valley, both RTJ stops in Birmingham. Playing from the tips at Ross didn't even cross my mind. 8,200 is too much for me. I only poke it out there around 270-80 on my best drives. Probably average closer to 260. I would be hitting driver, hybrid all day. Sounds awful to me :biggrin:

We played 36, 36 and 36. Stayed up playing poker until 2-3 a.m. every night and we all had a "few" beers throughout. I felt like hell the last day. My swing left me about midway through the first round. The last 27 were up and down, but mostly down. Despite my poor performance, I still enjoyed my time at Farmlinks.

In a couple of weeks I am heading down to Sea Island for a week and plan on playing the Seaside, Plantation and Resort courses. No more than 18 a day this time. Not sure my body can take it.
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Mac;2341815; said:
Played Turnberry Sunday evening. Shot a 47 (front 9). Trouble off the tee almost every hole. Had a triple, and 3 doubles. 1st round of the year and really only my 4th round in 2 years. Trying to get back into golf like I did.

But my woes (a big sweeping slice) off the tee is my downfall, just like it was about 3-4yrs ago. Contained it to about a 10 yard fade for a year, but back to the old ways

Mac, if we could just combine my swing, a nasty snap hook, with yours, a sweeping slice, we just might have a serviceable swing. :tongue2:
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matt_thatsme;2342256; said:
Mac, if we could just combine my swing, a nasty snap hook, with yours, a sweeping slice, we just might have a serviceable swing. :tongue2:

Man that would be nice. I was around a 10-12 handicap at my best (when I contained the slice to a 10yrd fade). It's amazing to see what kind of trouble and added strokes when I'm spraying it right off the tee almost every time. Nothing like playing for bogey at best after 1 swing on 80-90% of the holes

It's incredibly frustrating
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Playing in my first Invitational

Need some info from my wiser golfing gurus -

Playing in my first club invitational. Got a good partner, but after the first day, there is a 'Horserace'. What is that, and while you're at it, are there any strategies that could be employed? I'm the higher handicap of the two, my mid and shot irons are true, and I'm a better than middlin' putter.

At the end of the first day, there is a 'buy-out'. Is there some meaning more than bidding highest on the 'best' team? Suspect it increases the pot, or is it a more macho thing to buy your own team, or go for the biggest sandbaggers?

Thanks in advance, (PS, this is a bucket list thing for me)

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Horserace is what each flight is trying to get into. Say you have 10 flights of 6-7 pairings. You have to win your group in order to get to the horserace. Then the people in the horserace play to win, which I believe usually goes hole by hole until only 1 group is left. Then they are the winners of the invitational.

Im not sure what you mean "buy-out". There is usually a chance before play starts to place bets on each team. There could also be a scratch division, where no strokes are given and those teams get auctioned off. At least thats the way it was at Worthington Hills last year. There were about 8 teams who entered the scratch contest, me and fourteenandoh were one of them. The highest team I think got auctioned off for 1000. If you are not the winner of the auction for your team, the person who buys/wins has to split the price with you, if you so choose. So maybe that is the buy-out.

I kinda rambled on there, hopefully that helps. All in all, just go out and have a blast. And dont drink too much!
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I agree with Wood's description of the horse race. I am a bit confused about the buy out. Was there a calcutta? I know that in the last tournament I played, we had the calcutta on Friday afternoon. We played 36 on Saturday and 18 on Sunday. At anytime, you could buy a team from the person who won the auction. The person selling the team set the price. If someone else bought your team, you could pay half at the auction (and get half of the winnings if your team won) or buy your team back for the full auction price any time before the final round. I have seen lots of different setups for Calcuttas.
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May was my month for golf trips. Here are some pics of Seaside, Plantation, Ocean Forest and Farmlinks. Anyone else have some photos from recent rounds?










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