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The wife bought me a pair of Ecco Street/Golf shoes for my Bday. Most comfortable golf shoe I have ever worn. Now if I could just hit the ball like Freddy Couples. If you are in the market for golf shoes, check Ecco out.
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Played three rounds Friday and Saturday as part of a team event at Granville. Two sub-80 rounds out of the 54 holes I played. Tweaked my swing slightly for the driver, hybrid and long irons which made a world of difference (rotating a little more so that my left should gets more under my chin). Also tweaked my wedge swing for a higher finish. Really played some of my best golf in a while and looking forward to taking those changes out to my home track tonight and Friday.
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Does anyone have any advise for attending a golf tournament? I've got all-week tickets to the Presidents' Cup at Muirfield in October, but I've never attended a tournement before, so I didn't know if there were tricks for maximizing the enjoyment.

Do you just follow one pair/foursome? Setup at one hole and hang out there all day? Just wander aimlessly? Streaking is still a normal and acceptable practice, yes?
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Played my first round since mid April on Saturday. Been a little busy caring for our 3 week old, so I was ecstatic to make it out. Wasnt expecting much in the way of scoring, shot 87. One of my worst rounds in a long time. Thank god I can still roll some putts or I would have been well into the 90s, my swing has left the building
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THEWOOD;2345307; said:
Played my first round since mid April on Saturday. Been a little busy caring for our 3 week old, so I was ecstatic to make it out. Wasnt expecting much in the way of scoring, shot 87. One of my worst rounds in a long time. Thank god I can still roll some putts or I would have been well into the 90s, my swing has left the building

Congrats and welcome to the 10-strokes per kid club.
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If anyone is looking for a putter, this place has Super Stroke milled putters for $80. http://stores.ebay.com/Pro-Clubs/_i.html?_nkw=super+stroke&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=

It looks like these putters were going for $350-450 last year. They were made by Bruce Sizemore, a noted putter designer. Here are some links discussing the putters: http://www.golfwrx.com/forums/topic/578981-2012-pga-superstroke-putters-by-bruce-sizemore/ and http://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/3714-just-arrived-bruce-sizemore-dcf-2-prototype/page__view__findpost__p__42857

Hell, I don't need a putter and I am very tempted. Great putters. If anyone gets one, let me know how you like it.
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Took advantage of a rare opportunity to play a full round today. Played lots of 9 hole rounds this year, but only a handful of 18 hole rounds. Had a golfing first - three birdies in a row. Not one of which was on a par 5. Sandwiched them with two pars.

Nevermind the two consecutive double bogeys I followed them with or the triple bogey I closed with.
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So because of work and social events I have decided to take up the game of golf.

Now, i'm not completely retarded when it comes to golf but I haven't actually hit the links since I was in probably middle/high school (say 12-14 years). I don't even have a set of clubs myself at this point but am going to start off with the driving range a few times with some buddies and try out some of their clubs before making a purchase of my own.

Any suggestions for a beginner would be greatly appreciated!
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Magua;2360103; said:
So because of work and social events I have decided to take up the game of golf.

Now, i'm not completely retarded when it comes to golf but I haven't actually hit the links since I was in probably middle/high school (say 12-14 years). I don't even have a set of clubs myself at this point but am going to start off with the driving range a few times with some buddies and try out some of their clubs before making a purchase of my own.

Any suggestions for a beginner would be greatly appreciated!

Get fitted for the right shaft. Buy a used set since you will likely be looking to purchase something different within a couple of years. Get a set of cavity back irons. You may even want to consider hybrids through 4 iron at least.

Also, I linked a page a few post above that has an awesome deal on some putters. Not sure what is left, but I was reading lots of good reviews on them. I am considering buying one and customizing the paint fill with an Ohio State color scheme like I did with my Scratch Wedges. I love my Betti, so I wojld probably sell the putter once I finished the custom work.
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Am going to Nuevo Vallarta and staying in timeshare at Grand Mayan. Has a Jack Nicklaus course attached. Anyone played it? Not taking my sticks, will use 'house' clubs, but want to know if it's worth the pesos to play.

Played Cabo del Sol (Nicklaus designed) in Cabo and was sorry I didn't carry my own clubs, as was very nice, and woulda played better than I did (built in excuse :biggrin:)... Nuevo Vallarta is a relatively new place, but wondered if any of our travelers can offer insight. Thanks in advance.

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: Trying to hit them long, straight and not too often.
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