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NightmaresDad;1483544; said:

Oh, you meant other than length, loft, shaft flex, shaft weight, lie angle, and amount of offset right?.

all those things (except the offset which is mostly visual, btw) you listed are adjustments that are made after you select the model you want to purchase. its not like all mizunos are 1 degree up, so if you need irons that are 1 degree flat you are SOL.
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I ended up going with a guy DA-Bucks recommended.

He added 3/4 an inch of length and told me my old set laid flat to the ground at 0 degrees. The new Mizunos looked like the toe was sticking way up in the air but he said that's because my old set was so flat.

He told me he wished he had gotten a hold of me about 5 years earlier. I still have to swing to right field to avoid pulling the ball with the new set but they're coming around and I couldn't be happier with their feel.

BTW, in regards to BMac above who shot 83, a discussion my buddies and I have a lot is how people who say they always shoot low but fail to tell you they roll the ball in the fairway, play from the whites, don't re-hit from the same spot when hitting OB, don't hit provisionals but just go up and drop etc...

I play by the rules b/c I want to know how good I "really" am. I play all balls down, play from the blue tees, don't have gimmes over 1 foot, if hitting the ball out of bounds, I hit another one from the same spot, if I'm in a bunker that has standing water, I try to find another spot in the bunker to drop as to not give myself an advantage.

I'm amazed at how many guys tell me how low they shoot but when they play by the rules, they wilt like a flower.
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A man who cheats in golf cheats himself and can't be trusted....I know there is a famous quote out there on this and I think there is something in my Woody Hayes quote book on this.....I will have to check at work tomorrow where I keep it....
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Thump;1488830; said:
BTW, in regards to BMac above who shot 83, a discussion my buddies and I have a lot is how people who say they always shoot low but fail to tell you they roll the ball in the fairway, play from the whites, don't re-hit from the same spot when hitting OB, don't hit provisionals but just go up and drop etc...

I play by the rules b/c I want to know how good I "really" am. I play all balls down, play from the blue tees, don't have gimmes over 1 foot, if hitting the ball out of bounds, I hit another one from the same spot, if I'm in a bunker that has standing water, I try to find another spot in the bunker to drop as to not give myself an advantage.

I'm amazed at how many guys tell me how low they shoot but when they play by the rules, they wilt like a flower.

that's why i never hit the ball in the rough, let alone out of bounds. seriously though, i've done it (played by all the rules and shot low) in tournaments, so when i play for fun i don't stress too much. i figure i've earned a few bumps in the fairway.

buckeyebri;1488887; said:
A man who cheats in golf cheats himself and can't be trusted....I know there is a famous quote out there on this and I think there is something in my Woody Hayes quote book on this.....I will have to check at work tomorrow where I keep it....

if you are in competition, absolutely. if you are just playing for fun, i don't think its an issue.
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fourteenandoh;1488980; said:
if you are in competition, absolutely. if you are just playing for fun, i don't think its an issue.

It is the principle of it and in many cases a character issue....of course if everyone is playing by the same rules and everyone knows it then hey by all means improve your lie sir.....
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Thump;1488830; said:
BTW, in regards to BMac above who shot 83, a discussion my buddies and I have a lot is how people who say they always shoot low but fail to tell you they roll the ball in the fairway, play from the whites, don't re-hit from the same spot when hitting OB, don't hit provisionals but just go up and drop etc...

I play by the rules b/c I want to know how good I "really" am. I play all balls down, play from the blue tees, don't have gimmes over 1 foot, if hitting the ball out of bounds, I hit another one from the same spot, if I'm in a bunker that has standing water, I try to find another spot in the bunker to drop as to not give myself an advantage.

I'm amazed at how many guys tell me how low they shoot but when they play by the rules, they wilt like a flower.

I agree with you, and I don't cheat. I think it's petty and it takes away from the game. Only time I'll do anything is if I'm in a situation where I could hurt myself (like ball up against a root or something along those lines). I seriously shot an 83 today from the Blues and it helps that I play a pretty long ball. When I say I lost control of my driver, means I only hit a few fairways (4) the last 10 holes or so. I'll be playing a bunch this summer so we'll see if it is a legit score I can shoot consistently or just one of those crazy rounds.

Anyways....I just signed up for Stracka (really like it). My username is MrShankopotamus for anyone who cares.
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When playing by the rules comes into effect is when playing someone for money and they make you out to be the asshole when you tell them to hit another one off of the tee instead of dropping up ahead when plopping one out of bounds.
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When playing by the rules comes into effect is when playing someone for money and they make you out to be the asshole when you tell them to hit another one off of the tee instead of dropping up ahead when plopping one out of bounds.
are you the jerk who goes to your ball finds out its ob then walks back to the tee? or do you hit your provisional just in case? nothing really irks me more than a saturday out golfing when the jack off in front of me pulls that stunt 3-4 times a round...
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jimotis4heisman;1489317; said:
are you the jerk who goes to your ball finds out its ob then walks back to the tee? or do you hit your provisional just in case? nothing really irks me more than a saturday out golfing when the jack off in front of me pulls that stunt 3-4 times a round...

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buckeyebri;1488999; said:
It is the principle of it and in many cases a character issue....of course if everyone is playing by the same rules and everyone knows it then hey by all means improve your lie sir.....
Absolutely true. My dad often said if you wanted to find out how honest a man was, you arrange to play a round of golf with him for money.
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jimotis4heisman;1489317; said:
are you the jerk who goes to your ball finds out its ob then walks back to the tee? or do you hit your provisional just in case? nothing really irks me more than a saturday out golfing when the jack off in front of me pulls that stunt 3-4 times a round...

I always hit a provisional if there's any doubt.

I have never done the walk back in my life.
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Gatorubet;1489416; said:
Absolutely true. My dad often said if you wanted to find out how honest a man was, you arrange to play a round of golf with him for money.

I always thought it was bad form to play for real money with friends. The friendship is always worth more than any money I might have won. We would usually play for a coke or an adult beverage. Gave you bragging rights and it didn't seriously put a crimp on the wallet.....
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Wingate1217;1489463; said:
I always thought it was bad form to play for real money with friends. The friendship is always worth more than any money I might have won. We would usually play for a coke or an adult beverage. Gave you bragging rights and it didn't seriously put a crimp on the wallet.....

My friends and I always bet. A $2 - $5 Nassau does not kill a friendship, and it makes the game more interesting. And Wolf or Bingo Bango Bongo makes it a fun game when your fourth is a no-show.
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