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THE GAME, tOSU at tCun, Sat. 11/25, 12pm ET, FOX

Eh tell me this doesn’t go different with Caleb Williams though?

Seriously we addressed OT and that worked out great but my worry all year has been Kyle.

Go back and read what I said in the pre season.

Here we are and McCord is making the same errors. If he’s starting QB next year that’s probably a mistake.

No offense to him but there’s just too many “almost turnovers” and too many back breaking errors to ignore.

I’m not saying he’s why we lost but I’m saying the QB spot is where we need to upgrade to win.

Kyle starting the year: errant throws, picks, and lack of confidence

Kyles last game of the year: see above.

Absolutely NO clue where the Kyle of the last 3 weeks went. Apparently confidence and swagger means more than I thought.
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Bottom line, Michigan had a better QB. And in games like this that’s all that matters.

Like I said earlier, scapegoating is so popular because it is easy and fun.

McCord made the big mistake and JJ did not. But if that's all you saw today then you overlooked a lot. Special teams were outplayed and the defense gave up a score on every second half possession. It's hard to come from behind when that is happening.

The better team won, and that included McCarthy. But he also had help.
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Kyle starting the year: errant throws, picks, and lack of confidence

Kyles last game of the year: see above.

Absolutely NO clue where the Kyle of the last 3 weeks went. Apparently confidence and swagger means more than I thought.
Well go watch Kyle in his mop up time since 2021… it’s the same damn thing guys.

He makes a bad throw every game. Sometimes it’s picked and sometimes it’s not. This time is was twice compared to the previous 10 weeks they were dropped.

I hate pinning it all on 1 kid but with better QB play we win this game.

Kyle had played with fire all year too but this time it ran up
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It's on everyone.

Kyle played like Kyle all season. First half doomed you when you go 4/10. Including throwing a pick that had no business leaving his hands and poor ball placement to Stover that also nearly ended as a pick.

Double EE missed a couple of catches for conversions.

Day called obvious runs into loaded boxes on 2 & 10 after first down passes didn't connect.

Defense gave up yards and points after half.

Unlike years past, neither unit has stepped up enough to compensate for the other for long stretches. And it cost us in the worst way.
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Well go watch Kyle in his mop up time since 2021… it’s the same damn thing guys.

He makes a bad throw every game. Sometimes it’s picked and sometimes it’s not. This time is was twice compared to the previous 10 weeks they were dropped.

I hate pinning it all on 1 kid but with better QB play we win this game.

Kyle had played with fire all year too but this time it ran up
Well Day is supposedly a QB guru so maybe it starts there. He coul have had JJ who wanted to come here and he chose McCord.
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It's on everyone.

Kyle played like Kyle all season. First half doomed you when you go 4/10. Including throwing a pick that had no business leaving his hands and poor ball placement to Stover that also nearly ended as a pick.

Double EE missed a couple of catches for conversions.

Day called obvious runs into loaded boxes on 2 & 10 after first down passes didn't connect.

Defense gave up yards and points after half.

Unlike years past, neither unit has stepped up enough to compensate for the other for long stretches. And it cost us in the worst way.
Yep. ST was bad, S&C failed the defense in the 2nd half, and the play calling couldn’t read the room consistently…saw that same porno 10 other times this year.
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I am personally sponsoring a sick Iowa child to travel to Indianapolis next week to support the Hawkeyes. If we can get enough of them in the stands, the Hawkeyes will tap into their sick kid ju-ju and become an unstoppable force. Will you help me? Your donation of $900 will transport a sick kid from Iowa City to Lucas Stadium, provide them with food and lodging and a ticket to the game. Please join me.

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Yeah and who is?

Defense played well enough.

Seriously we win vs that team 7 out of 10 times.

Literally that’s been the case now for 3 years.

So unless you’re blaming Day nothing else makes sense
Bullshit the D gave up points all game long and every drive in the second half. I put it squarely on Day and Knowles. Just like the cheating scandal is squarely on Harbaugh. Coaches need to put players in the position to win. Did Kyle throw some errant passes, sure but why did Day abandon the run on the second half drive we went 3 and out on?
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CJ will probably go down as the best OSU QB of all time if his pro career stay on this trajectory. He lost because of horrible defenses. Again, McCord is a great kid, but he ain’t it.
It really is just all it, isn't it? The moment, the game. We talk about the greats... they beat Michigan and lost a bunch of regular games. We talk about those who won all their games, but not against Michigan. Context is everything.
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Well Day is supposedly a QB guru so maybe it starts there. He coul have had JJ who wanted to come here and he chose McCord.
What is this shit. JJ made a ton of ass decisions my dude. He got away with them but he should have had one Pick on the same exact throw he made against Maryland that turned into a TD instead. He made a few more throwing against his body that out guys didn't make plays on.

The only thing JJ did better this game then Kyle other then get away with his terrible decisions was run.
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