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THE GAME, tOSU at tCun, Sat. 11/25, 12pm ET, FOX

Day handpicked McCord over McCarthy. JJ wanted to be a Buckeye so bad
Yep, and I think that’s the major error in all of this.

I don’t care what it takes but we have to be more dynamic at the QB Position.

Think back to our wins…

Craig,Troy, Terrell, Braxton, Cardell, JT, and Justin…

Then we get CJ and Kyle and the OSU world falls apart.

We need that added dimension and until we do we aren’t winning.

I get what they lose etc… but if we want to win going forward we need to have a mobile QB or forget it
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YOU might be drinking and blasted, but I'm stone sober.

Urban was a head coach for six years before he won a NC. 2 at BGSU, 2 at UU, and 2 at UF.

Tressel was the head coach at YSU for six years before he won his first NC in 1991.
and some might say they weren't quite ready to handle what Day has been given as a first time Head Coach then?
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They nickled and dined us down the field for a TD and two fgs. I mean I hate them too but they are the #3 (now probably #2) team in the nation. They have nfl players too. We can’t expect to hold them down the whole game. I agree we could have got off the field faster, but our QB could have sustained more drives as well. Our defense was not gashed by any means like in past two yrs.
When I can tell you 90% of the time what play we are going to ruin by formation, this ain’t on the QB
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YOU might be drinking and blasted, but I'm stone sober.

Urban was a head coach for six years before he won a NC. 2 at BGSU, 2 at UU, and 2 at UF.

Tressel was the head coach at YSU for six years before he won his first NC in 1991.
Oh that’s your math. Ok. Well Day didn’t take an FCS job or a MAC job. He took this job, and all of the expectations that come with it. That was his choice. The expectations don’t change.
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Yep, and I think that’s the major error in all of this.

I don’t care what it takes but we have to be more dynamic at the QB Position.

Think back to our wins…

Craig,Troy, Terrell, Braxton, Cardell, JT, and Justin…

Then we get CJ and Kyle and the OSU world falls apart.

We need that added dimension and until we do we aren’t winning.

I get what they lose etc… but if we want to win going forward we need to have a mobile QB or forget it
The team is not all about the QB. It helps, but sometimes it just works without a great one.
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They nickled and dined us down the field for a TD and two fgs. I mean I hate them too but they are the #3 (now probably #2) team in the nation. They have nfl players too. We can’t expect to hold them down the whole game. I agree we could have got off the field faster, but our QB could have sustained more drives as well. Our defense was not gashed by any means like in past two yrs.
No this was on the offense.

Kyle gave them 7 early and then closed the game with a pick too.

Can’t do it man.

That’s on top of missing a FG too
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Yep, and I think that’s the major error in all of this.

I don’t care what it takes but we have to be more dynamic at the QB Position.

Think back to our wins…

Craig,Troy, Terrell, Braxton, Cardell, JT, and Justin…

Then we get CJ and Kyle and the OSU world falls apart.

We need that added dimension and until we do we aren’t winning.

I get what they lose etc… but if we want to win going forward we need to have a mobile QB or forget it
Or maybe your coach needs to tailor his play calling to his players. I mean we ran the crossing to Marv 1 fricking time. Result TD. Where the hell was that all season.

Was Kyle CJ, no, but Jesus put your players in position to be successful as a HC.
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Happy Thanksgiving from hammer drop.

It’s a true delight to watch everyone navigating through anguish and despair. I noticed some of the more mouthy, vicious contributors shrink away the forum after a crushing defeat. I have been on here every year for at least 10 years and I must say this victory probably brings me the most joy, and probably brings you the most sadness.

I want to give all of you filthy buckeyes, a little piece of advice when it comes to how and why you think we won.

You don’t have to believe your own b******t if you don’t want to.
Let me say this as clear as I can:

GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU CHEATING COCKSUCKER. You still have a retard prick as you coach who would still be without a win without cheating. Glad you were banned but I really wish I could have done it.
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Yep, and I think that’s the major error in all of this.

I don’t care what it takes but we have to be more dynamic at the QB Position.

Think back to our wins…

Craig,Troy, Terrell, Braxton, Cardell, JT, and Justin…

Then we get CJ and Kyle and the OSU world falls apart.

We need that added dimension and until we do we aren’t winning.

I get what they lose etc… but if we want to win going forward we need to have a mobile QB or forget it
CJ will probably go down as the best OSU QB of all time if his pro career stay on this trajectory. He lost because of horrible defenses. Again, McCord is a great kid, but he ain’t it.
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The team is not all about the QB. It helps, but sometimes it just works without a great one.
Eh tell me this doesn’t go different with Caleb Williams though?

Seriously we addressed OT and that worked out great but my worry all year has been Kyle.

Go back and read what I said in the pre season.

Here we are and McCord is making the same errors. If he’s starting QB next year that’s probably a mistake.

No offense to him but there’s just too many “almost turnovers” and too many back breaking errors to ignore.

I’m not saying he’s why we lost but I’m saying the QB spot is where we need to upgrade to win.
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The team is not all about the QB. It helps, but sometimes it just works without a great one.
Yeah, Krentzel was hardly CJ or Fields or Haskins. He just seemed to have it when it counted. That’s a lot rarer of a trait than being able to fling it all over the field. It’s really hard to find those guys. How many titles did Caleb Williams win?
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Agree but give an assist to our special teams. Bled yards every exchange of possessions.
Yeah well we all know that guy should lose his job so I’ve stopped taking about it.

I said this would cost us right? And it did.

I said ST play, turnovers, dropped passes and missed WRs would plague us and here we are.

I seriously knew this would be the result. Still sucks and I still am stunned but I shouldn’t be
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