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THE GAME, tOSU at tCun, Sat. 11/25, 12pm ET, FOX

I'm pretty much in the Jax camp on Day at this point. Not that I want him fired, I just don't care. If the aTm rumors are actually true, shrug. If he want's to move on to the NFL, also shrug. I think he's more of an x's and o's guy who is probably better suited as and OC. His teams seem to play technical, but never with any fire. I think he'll beat the gutted skeleton of tCun over the next few years and it won't fucking matter because they're a gutted skeleton. Fun for us, sort of. But it won't be the same as the opportunity here today.

As far as who would replace him. Don't care about that either. I watch football for fun. It's entertainment. Day's teams are rather boring most of the time and when it all amounts to nothing, it's not very fun at all. It's been a while, but I think the 2011 year was more fun than this. That 2011 Wisconsin game was fun. This years Notre Game was fun for about 15 seconds. Maybe with a new hire the buckeyes take a step back. Who knows. I don't see any evidence anything is moving forward at this point. Could be fun being a plucky miracle team 10th seed in the new playoff. At this point there's no risk of tOSU sniffing a natty any time soon, and certainly starting any sort of dynasty like has happened at Bama and Georgia.
Yep. Gotta say Meyers' and even Tressels teams games were more electrifying than Day's. There is nothing electrifying in the atmosphere of Day's games. Ever.

The team just never exudes that kind of anticipation and excitement since being under his tenure. It is more like nail-biting and wondering what to expect. It is like his pressers, just ho-hum.
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Just going to say that I hope we can agree that this is a good ass problem to have.

I’m too young to remember Bruce.

Tress and Urban I will take against any other reign other than Saban - probably the literal greatest coach of all time. If Cooper and Day are our lows then I can live with that.

Disagree with you that we are in as dark as days as in the 90s but hope that we can agree that we have it better than most.
Bruce was 9-3 personified
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Happy Thanksgiving from hammer drop.

It’s a true delight to watch everyone navigating through anguish and despair. I noticed some of the more mouthy, vicious contributors shrink away the forum after a crushing defeat. I have been on here every year for at least 10 years and I must say this victory probably brings me the most joy, and probably brings you the most sadness.

I want to give all of you filthy buckeyes, a little piece of advice when it comes to how and why you think we won.

You don’t have to believe your own b******t if you don’t want to.

Nobody is saying you didn't win fair and square this year. Not so much, the last two. Now enjoy watching the ncaa nuke your program back to the stone age. Enjoy watching Simple Jim Harbaugh trying to scamper off to the NFL before he gets hit with a multi-year show cause. Enjoy watching that smirking little cunt jock-sniffer you call a university President get run out of town on a rail when the adults decide to step in and take charge. Your entire program is dead man walking; you just don't realize it yet.
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