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THE GAME, tOSU at tCun, Sat. 11/25, 12pm ET, FOX


Happy Thanksgiving from hammer drop.

It’s a true delight to watch everyone navigating through anguish and despair. I noticed some of the more mouthy, vicious contributors shrink away the forum after a crushing defeat. I have been on here every year for at least 10 years and I must say this victory probably brings me the most joy, and probably brings you the most sadness.

I want to give all of you filthy buckeyes, a little piece of advice when it comes to how and why you think we won.

You don’t have to believe your own b******t if you don’t want to.
"Oops!!! We ran into some problems."
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Happy Thanksgiving from hammer drop.

It’s a true delight to watch everyone navigating through anguish and despair. I noticed some of the more mouthy, vicious contributors shrink away the forum after a crushing defeat. I have been on here every year for at least 10 years and I must say this victory probably brings me the most joy, and probably brings you the most sadness.

I want to give all of you filthy buckeyes, a little piece of advice when it comes to how and why you think we won.

You don’t have to believe your own b******t if you don’t want to.
So brave, hope you'll come here when the NCAA lays the smackdown on your shitty program.
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1 title and 3 appearances. Day better hurry up...

I mean he’s been there once, been a kick away once and been one game away a third time. In five years. Not like what I’m saying is unrealistic.

He could be Tress. Could be Cooper. We’re just a bunch of fans guessing which way it will go.
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That had 0 bearing on allowing a score on every dUMb possession in the 2nd half.
They nickled and dined us down the field for a TD and two fgs. I mean I hate them too but they are the #3 (now probably #2) team in the nation. They have nfl players too. We can’t expect to hold them down the whole game. I agree we could have got off the field faster, but our QB could have sustained more drives as well. Our defense was not gashed by any means like in past two yrs.
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