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THE GAME, tOSU at tCun, Sat. 11/25, 12pm ET, FOX

What is this shit. JJ made a ton of ass decisions my dude. He got away with them but he should have had one Pick on the same exact throw he made against Maryland that turned into a TD instead. He made a few more throwing against his body that out guys didn't make plays on.

The only thing JJ did better this game then Kyle other then get away with his terrible decisions was run.
What he did was win the Game x3. And that my friend is all that anyone will remember. He is now their Troy Smith.
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Yeah and who is?

Defense played well enough.

Defense did not play well enough. They allowed a score every second half possession. The Bucks cut it to 27-24 with 8 minutes left and what happened next? TCUN went on a 7 minute drive and made it 30-24. They left McCord 66 seconds and no time outs to go get a touchdown.

McCord has to force the ball down the field, it gets picked, and you blame him while saying the defense played well enough. I don't think so.

No unit - offense, defense, or special teams - played well enough.
Well Day is supposedly a QB guru so maybe it starts there. He coul have had JJ who wanted to come here and he chose McCord.
I will say this and THE podcast stated this post game.

Michigan the last few years has been the team with the 1 off weird look. We used to be the ones with the Shot Ginn, with Teddy at TE, with the 6th OL, and with power QB.

Yet now it’s TCUN… where is the wrinkle? Where is the “save for the game”?

I guess I do lay it at Days feet.

He lost to a OL coach, who’s acting as OC AND also acting as HC.

That’s embarrassing.
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We’ll he didn’t handle that very well did he?
He trusted that Ewers and his father were sincere about wanting to be here and not just using us to bank a quick million before heading back to where he really wanted to be all along. It was the early days of NIL and wide open portal. He might have been naive about how the whole NIL/Portal thing would spiral out of control, but that puts him in the company of about 90% if coaches.
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He trusted that Ewers and his father were sincere about wanting to be here and not just using us to bank a quick million before heading back to where he really wanted to be all along. It was the early days of NIL and wide open portal. He might have been naive about how the whole NIL/Portal thing would spiral out of control, but that puts him in the company of about 90% if coaches.
So out foxed then..,
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I will say this and THE podcast stated this post game.

Michigan the last few years has been the team with the 1 off weird look. We used to be the ones with the Shot Ginn, with Teddy at TE, with the 6th OL, and with power QB.

Yet now it’s TCUN… where is the wrinkle? Where is the “save for the game”?

I guess I do lay it at Days feet.

He lost to a OL coach, who’s acting as OC AND also acting as HC.

That’s embarrassing.

He's lost to a retard looking for his fucking baseball.

Wasn't his worst Saturday.
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