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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

NFBuck;1333788; said:
The latest excuse from their fans is that their saviors program takes two years. :lol:

With two true freshman quarterbacks (neither of which is Terrelle Pryor) being their battery next season, good luck with that.

Three to four years. Don't give a damn how good Forcier looks in camps.

Hope Sheridan and/or Threet enjoy their final college games tomorrow.

Question becomes, will Buckeye friend Mark May pick Ohio State over Michigan (or does he want to look like an idiot again).
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I've saved the HBO M*ch*gan vs Ohio St: The Rivalry on my DVR for the entire year, and I'm watching it now.

It's greatness.

I can't wait for this game. I love Ohio State. I love The Game and in a few hours I hope we beat the living [censored] out of the skunk bears.


Somebody give me an O-H!

(oh, and for the guy above me...I-O!)
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Just a quick word to any of the many Buckeye fans who will be visiting this site for The Game.

You are likely here because of the excellent information and analysis this site provides, and because of the outstanding camaraderie of the fellow Buckeye fanatics. Their passion for tOSU contributes so much to the atmosphere around here, and their input is the thing that make this board such an outstanding site.

The thing is, although BP is unquestionably waaaaayyy better than the various pay-for-information sites in many ways, BP is also unique in that it is free. Well, it is not really free, as it takes money to run it and maintain it, and somebody pays for it. On the home page you will see a link and a very easily overlooked mention of the fact that this site takes donations. It takes Paypal, and if you want to send a check for any amount, however small, the mods and admins will tell you where to send it.

Why not express your appreciation for the time and effort that fellow Buckeye fans put into the site and send what you can. There is no membership, but if everybody who loves this place and visits here contributes the price of a beer and a burrito or pizza, it will be deeply appreciated by the people who run it (read: Clarity ), and it would help to ensure that after The Game is over and you come here to read and gloat in RichRod's humiliation, you can be assured that it will be here - and here for the next decade of continuous Buckeye victories.

After all, since Buckeye Planet was created, the skunk bears have lost The Game every year.

If you want to risk losing BP as a source of Buckeye news and infallible good luck talisman, then God help you.

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