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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Welp, there is 20 hours until The Game! My feeling for the final score has finally come. We won't shut them out, as they always have scored this year, but we will hold them to their lowest point total...7. On the flip side, we will score early and often. With the chaos that is going on in Michigan's clubhouse, the fact that I think it's worse than they are letting on, and the belief that a good number of the players don't even want to play anymore this season, and would rather it just end, it'll be hard not to score on them. Michigan is terrible. Even when they try their hardest they are terrible. Even when they win, they look terrible doing it. The struggle with the worst MAC teams, going 1-1 against probably the two worst ones. 2 of their 3 wins this year were handed to them. The other one was the worst overall football game ever. They struggle to complete a pass a series. They have the worst offensive line in the Big Ten. Their defense doesn't do anything good or bad, it's just kind of blah. But their offense is SO BAD, that the field possion will be SOOO GOOD for Ohio State, that scoring is going to be made easy, more because of their terrible offense than their defense.

Ohio State 58
Michigan 7
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Nick Sheridan is good for at least 1 pick (probably multiple against our secondary)

They can play Feagin at QB if they want but Feagin has thrown ZERO passes all season and ran the ball just 8 times, it would most likely be just as ugly if he were in there
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buckeyemania11;1333611; said:
Nick Sheridan is good for at least 1 pick (probably multiple against our secondary)

They can play Feagin at QB if they want but Feagin has thrown ZERO passes all season and ran the ball just 8 times, it would most likely be just as ugly if he were in there

Maybe they've been saving him.
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What can happen

I am not any more worried than I was yesterday, but see what can happen? Freaking scUM hoops team beats UCLA. Big upset. No way it should have happened.

Now UCLA was probably over-rated. Rated #4 because of their name, mostly.

But that's the kind of thing that can happen if the Buckeyes come out flat (which I doubt) or overconfident (which I think CAN happen).

Please please please Coach don't be too conservative or sit on a ten point lead. For the seniors.... keep the pedal to the metal.

I'd like to see that 58-7 someone predicted. That would be nice! Final scoring play would be Kacsandi to Kyle Ruhl for a 48 yard TD pass with 38 second left!!!! BOO YA....

No wait, wait. Don't get overconfident!:wink2: and, don't run up the score, huh?
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kentuckybuckeye;1333566; said:
Rivals.com voted the countries rivalry's as follows:

I'm not sure what they were looking at to figure that one out but THE GAME has been considered the biggest rivalry in college football and arguably in all of sports!

Rivals.com Video (11/21/2008): RivalsMinute 11/21/08

tOSU vrs. scum is the greatest rivalry in sports. period.

the thing you have to remember is as a media outlet your reason for being isn't the distribution of fact. your only goal is to increase ratings. saying the exact same thing 50 billion times regardless of how true it is does not increase ratings. you increase ratings by saying things that will elicit an emotional response from an audience. thats what this is. simple as that.
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shetuck;1333576; said:
The version I've heard goes something like this... "There's no chance TSUN shows up in C'bus tomorrow. They can't even get past Morgan Trent."

Come on... anyone can get by Morgan :slappy:Trent... he just catches up with you again at the two yard line.

If it plays out as expected, Morgan :slappy:Trent will catch the tsun bus somewhere on Lane Ave.
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Evan;1333598; said:
er, except for when some OU dude comes a few centimeters away from completely ripping off some Texas fans nuts...

Not saying it's a bigger rivalry (because it isn't, and neither is that bama/auburn crap) just that it sure as hell isn't friendly.

What's the Texas fan doing providing access to his nuts? Sounds like we write our own scripts...
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I hope the team doesn't have this game written down as a W as most of you already do. Yea, scUM isn't the best of teams. Let's be real, they are all D1 athletes, all highly recruited by several top schools in the country. These kids most likely will not be a rollover like most here presume. I see us winning but not in the fashion most predict. It is a HUGE rivalry game and teams tend to play up to another level in those games. We can say it's our seniors last home game, so we won't let it happen. Think about it.. they have seniors too and the one thing that could save their senior season is a win at Ohio State. Like an earlier thread, IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's still Michigan, one of the premier college football programs across the country. Take this thread how you want as it kind of seems as I'm defending scUM but I'm not. I don't want to see our guys go out with a loss at HOME to scUM. In all reality we need to take this game seriously. Go Bucks!

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Pryor2Posey;1333676; said:
I hope the team doesn't have this game written down as a W as most of you already do. Yea, scUM isn't the best of teams. Let's be real, they are all D1 athletes, all highly recruited by several top schools in the country. These kids most likely will not be a rollover like most here presume. I see us winning but not in the fashion most predict. It is a HUGE rivalry game and teams tend to play up to another level in those games. We can say it's our seniors last home game, so we won't let it happen. Think about it.. they have seniors too and the one thing that could save their senior season is a win at Ohio State. Like an earlier thread, IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's still Michigan, one of the premier college football programs across the country. Take this thread how you want as it kind of seems as I'm defending scUM but I'm not. I don't want to see our guys go out with a loss at HOME to scUM. In all reality we need to take this game seriously. Go Bucks!


Im sure the team is plenty focused, and knows whats at stake. I can only speak for myslef, but I am not on the team, and can be as Homer-ific, as I wanna be. So Fuck M*ch*gan, and I have a feeling it's going to be a beatdown for the ages!!
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I would love to see a scene played out similar to the 2005 Northwestern game, where some of the seniors got to leave the field between plays, one at a time, to a tear-inducing standing O. The key to being able to do that, is playing[osugrad21]W.A.O.[/osugrad21] for the first 3 quarters, and burying scUM more and more every chance we get.

Therefore, my call is 48-7.
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Buckeyes win by KO 1:37 into the first round er.. quarter. Seriously though, 38-13. I wonder how many scUM fans have checked out this forum and witnessed the utter arrogance many tOSU fans, such as myself, have displayed with such reckless abandon only to copy and paste it into there little forums and discuss how we are overconfident like what we say means a damn in determining the outcome of the game..... I change my mind, I now predict 213 - 0.
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