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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Cautious optimism people! Let's hope our team doesn't assume this win is in the bag and not bother actually showing up for this game. Anything can happen. We all know what SHOULD happen tomorrow, but I'm not counting any wins before they actually occur.

The team can take UM seriously. I dont have to, thanks.
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kentuckybuckeye;1333566; said:
Rivals.com voted the countries rivalry's as follows:

I'm not sure what they were looking at to figure that one out but THE GAME has been considered the biggest rivalry in college football and arguably in all of sports!

Rivals.com Video (11/21/2008): RivalsMinute 11/21/08

OU-Texas is a joke of a rivalry. Middle of the season at a neutral site?

What the hell is that?

Their fans are also amicable during games!
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DaddyBigBucks;1333563; said:
Sorry - We already gave out the prize for the millionth appearance of whatever version of that joke on BP

The version I've heard goes something like this... "There's no chance TSUN shows up in C'bus tomorrow. They can't even get past Morgan Trent."
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Originally Posted by Evan
Cautious optimism people! Let's hope our team doesn't assume this win is in the bag and not bother actually showing up for this game. Anything can happen. We all know what SHOULD happen tomorrow, but I'm not counting any wins before they actually occur.


The team can take UM seriously. I dont have to, thanks.

I heard Andre Ware is already complaining about the Buckeyes running the score up tomorrow
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OU-Texas is a joke of a rivalry. Middle of the season at a neutral site?

What the hell is that?

Their fans are also amicable during games!

er, except for when some OU dude comes a few centimeters away from completely ripping off some Texas fans nuts...

Not saying it's a bigger rivalry (because it isn't, and neither is that bama/auburn crap) just that it sure as hell isn't friendly.
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