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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

I try to keep up with you guys, but now I am really confused.

If you take 80 West out of AA to 69 South you can catch 33 out of Ft Wayne and come all the way into Cbus without going anywhere near Toledo.

Oh well. I got my money back. Sold my tickets at cost to some fool who hadn't heard about the cancellation.
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Oh8ch;1333387; said:
I try to keep up with you guys, but now I am really confused.

If you take 80 West out of AA to 69 South you can catch 33 out of Ft Wayne and come all the way into Cbus without going anywhere near Toledo.

Oh well. I got my money back. Sold my tickets at cost to some fool who hadn't heard about the cancellation.

Bernard Rubble?
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Oh8ch;1333387; said:
I try to keep up with you guys, but now I am really confused.

If you take 80 West out of AA to 69 South you can catch 33 out of Ft Wayne and come all the way into Cbus without going anywhere near Toledo.

Oh well. I got my money back. Sold my tickets at cost to some fool who hadn't heard about the cancellation.

Bucklion;1333390; said:
Bernard Rubble?

No way. Good old Barnie wouldn't have bought tickets for tomorrow. He knows all about the cancellation.

He just sold me two tickets on the 50 for the re-scheduled game on the 29th. Only cost me 12 large...

And he gave me 10,000:1 odds on the game too. Quarry worker, Bookie, Scalper... he does it all. What a guy.
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Bucky Katt;1333300; said:
I hope you know what you're getting into posting garbage like that here. :)

Besides... Last time? Last time?


Last time?

But I digress. Getting back on track:

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To the BP'ers in the Philly area... Has anyone heard anything about the local ABC affiliate (WPVI) showing the PIAA District Championship game at noon?
Yes, according to HERE The Game will be shown on ESPN in the Philly area. And I've never seen that guys list of channels be wrong.

I wasn't sure what would be on ABC instead of The Game, but you answered that.
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My first Michigan game was my freshman year, 2002. What a fantastic year to start college!!! Since 2002 I've been to The Game every year, both in Columbus and Ann Arbor. It's going to be very strange for me to watch it here in Korea. I'm there in spirit!!!

I know that I have to wait the same time between games that everyone else does...but the fact that The Game starts at 2:30am for me makes me feel like I have to wait longer than everyone else.
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I think you've been smokin' the weed a little to much in your life, you've lost one to many brain cells to honestly think TSUN has a chance tomorrow. :osu:
Cautious optimism people! Let's hope our team doesn't assume this win is in the bag and not bother actually showing up for this game. Anything can happen. We all know what SHOULD happen tomorrow, but I'm not counting any wins before they actually occur.

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Evan;1333538; said:
Cautious optimism people! Let's hope our team doesn't assume this win is in the bag and not bother actually showing up for this game. Anything can happen. We all know what SHOULD happen tomorrow, but I'm not counting any wins before they actually occur.


I am as big a realist as one can be, and realisticly we should dominate. Every team has a chance on any given day, that given day will not be for TSUN on saturday. You have to go through Toledo to get to the Shoe and we all know what happened....(yes i wanted to beat it into the ground a little more.) :oh:

Annual THE GAME party in Edmonton KY tomorrow, the best day of the year!! :io:
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