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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Getting ready to head down to the stadium.... before I go I just want to say to all those who arnt that excited about this game or think that this isnt big a wiser man than I (my dad) told me when I thought about selling my tickets and staying home to watch with the family.... He said dont ever pass up an oppertunity to watch Ohio State kick Michigans ass... dont ever forget 69, the heisman pose, Charles Woodson with the rose in his mouth ect ect..... most of all dont forget the 90's and go and hope for a dismantleing.....

O motha f'n H
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Saw this in the morning paper



  • little dog lost.jpg
    little dog lost.jpg
    92.5 KB · Views: 87
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Wake up
install new recorder
bring attitude to full "kick Michigan's ass and run up the score mentality".
Start the game I don't need nothing else.
Don't need no beer, no pizza.
Start the game.


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