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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

In '07...in that weather? Yeah, I really do.
Henne seemed to pass the ball adequately at times (with a badly injured arm), Mario just refused to catch it. They could have done better in the weather, but decided to just milk the clock for an entire half, knowing their defense was likely their best shot to score.
Boeckman put it all out there. He was struggling toward the end, obviously, but he left it all out there.
He struggled badly all game. All QBs have bad games, but that certainly was not one of OSU's better efforts, despite the weather.
I guess my original point is that you can't just sleepwalk your way to a victory against Michigan, ever...kind of like we sleepwalked our way to a victory against Ohio.
Wisconsin almost did. Obviously you have to have that attitude going in, but to say OSU has brought nothing but it's A game, especially with the 07 game so fresh in our minds, is confusing at best.
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Where to watch "The game of the season"?

I live in Time Warner's SouthWestern Ohio viewing area(Dayton). They recently took ABC off their lineup, where I watched my Bucks. We just got our Big Ten Network back. No one is stepping up and picking up the Big Game in November. Everybody is saying "to be announced". I want to found out which network channel has my Buckeyes... I don't have my usual OSU/Michigan tickets this year :osu2:. Anybody that has inside information..would be helpful thank you
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That's not ABC that gotten taken off, it's NBC. It's WDTN Channel 2, which use to be the local ABC affilicate, but they switched with Channel 22 a couple years ago. The only football you'll miss out on is the Notre Dame games, if you really want to call that football.
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Buckeye737;1288916; said:
That's not ABC that gotten taken off, it's NBC. It's WDTN Channel 2, which use to be the local ABC affilicate, but they switched with Channel 22 a couple years ago. The only football you'll miss out on is the Notre Dame games, if you really want to call that football.

Never miss an opportunity to poke Notre Dame. I like it.

I'm surprised that any cable provider would ever remove one of the big 3 networks. But, I guess anything is possible.

As for the game, Ohio State SHOULD stomp Michigan. And I felt that before today's game between Michigan and Toledo. I also felt it in 1993, 1995, and 1996. So I guess I'll just have to tune in, eh?
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Zurp;1289225; said:
Never miss an opportunity to poke Notre Dame. I like it.

I'm surprised that any cable provider would ever remove one of the big 3 networks. But, I guess anything is possible.

As for the game, Ohio State SHOULD stomp Michigan. And I felt that before today's game between Michigan and Toledo. I also felt it in 1993, 1995, and 1996. So I guess I'll just have to tune in, eh?

Something's changed since the years you've listed. I'm not sure exactly what, but things seem to be different lately. :p

In all seriousness...TSUN expects to lose this year, that's why we have to EMBARRASS THEM. I want this years Game to go down in history as the year TSUN fans were crying at halftime. Fuck Michigan. Fuck DickRod, fuck hairplugs, accept your baldness with dignity you spineless bitch, Fuck corn and cobalt, fuck maxi pad helmets "With wings!!1!", and fuck the whore Ann Arbor. Fuck 'em. FUCK THEM.
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BUCKYLE;1289427; said:
"I know it's a big game, I've coached in big games. Ever heard of the "Backyard Brawl"..."
Reporter: "Coach, the last time Ohio State played Pitt, they won at home 72-0 and David Boston returned a punt for a touchdown with only 8 men on the field."
RichRod: "That explains why Pitt lost by so much. They only had 8 men on the field!"
Reporter: "No, Ohio State only had 8 men on the field and Boston still took it to the house."
RichRod: "Oh. Well, they must have beaten Michigan that year then! Wow! What amazing talent!"
Reporter: "No, they didn't. It was at Ohio State and Michigan won 13-9. Ohio State was ranked #2 going into that game."
RichRod: "So wait, are you meaning to tell me that a team that racked up 72 points against my last school's primary rival only put up 9 against Michigan that year?"
Reporter: "Yes. Because it's that important of a game. Because, for each team, it's the biggest game of the year."
RichRod: "I need to go to the restroom."
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BUCKYLE;1289427; said:
I still can't wait for the week of The Game. I can see it now....

"I know it's a big game, I've coached in big games. Ever heard of the "Backyard Brawl"..."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duwFnrE7cbY]YouTube - Backyard Brawl 2007[/ame]
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I'm heading into Columbus for the game this year and haven't dealt with the madness of Michigan week before.

Can anyone recommend what do as far as finding a hotel for Friday night only. I'm checking kayak.com and hotels.com but obviously, almost everything nearby is sold out.

Does anyone have any particular hotel recommendations that still have rooms available? Just looking for a safe, comfortable stay that Friday night.

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I am not "scared", that's not the right word, but I am apprehensive about getting comfortable about The Game this year. ...'cause at this point the only thing Michigan has left to [possibly] salvage the season is to beat the Bucks.

No, it shouldn't happen. No, RR is probably not smart enough to focus on it... and after all the ways he has pi$$ed off the scUM fans, that will be the latest.

But again, by the time Nov. 22 rolls around, and scUM is 4-7 or 5-6 at best, their hopes will be pinned on finding some miracle (Biotchabatooka) way to beat the Buckeyes.

I don't think it'll happen. But I won't be comfortable until we are ahead at the final whistle.

...okay, 42-3 at the end of the third quarter, I'll feel pretty good!:)

as I write this today, we still have PSU and Illinois and Northwestern and MSU to worry about but please let's leave something in the tank to squash the scUMmers.

Go Bucks!
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