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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

I'll never forget that 1997 game. Never. Let's have some fun with this one and crush Michigan like they've never been crushed before. I want them down, out, and beaten. And, I want the QB they couldn't get to help lead Ohio State to a record-setting offensive day.
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I'm stoked.

My brother just bought me plane tickets to visit him and his family in Columbus, the weekend of this game. His wife is a tOSU alumni, it'll be the first time I'll be in Ohio for The Game in about 10 years. I hope to get some great tailgaiting action, spend some time with my niece and nephew, and watch a fucking tOSU beatdown. Hell yeah. Go Buckeyes.

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jmorbitz;1268969; said:
I'm stoked.

My brother just bought me plane tickets to visit him and his family in Columbus, the weekend of this game. His wife is a tOSU alumni, it'll be the first time I'll be in Ohio for The Game in about 10 years. I hope to get some great tailgaiting action, spend some time with my niece and nephew, and watch a fucking tOSU beatdown. Hell yeah. Go Buckeyes.



The Game should be on ABC, again.


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I have no doubt that we will win this game, but don't go thinking it will be easy, or if we don't bring our A game we will win. We can't win this game without our A game. When have we ever? Go Bucks!!! Can't wait until 52 days.
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I guess we just will agree to disagree. I don't think the Bucks could have brought more of an A game in any of those years. Maybe i'm wrong in thinking that scoring points in the big house is a tough thing to do, no matter what.
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JXC;1278355; said:
I guess we just will agree to disagree. I don't think the Bucks could have brought more of an A game in any of those years. Maybe i'm wrong in thinking that scoring points in the big house is a tough thing to do, no matter what.

Appalachian State only hung 34 on them when they still had their seniors. :tongue2:
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JXC;1278355; said:
I guess we just will agree to disagree. I don't think the Bucks could have brought more of an A game in any of those years. Maybe i'm wrong in thinking that scoring points in the big house is a tough thing to do, no matter what.
No idea how you justify that looking at the offense in 07. Sloppy play in 05 put OSU in bad situations.
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In '07...in that weather? Yeah, I really do. The line did all it could. Boeckman put it all out there. He was struggling toward the end, obviously, but he left it all out there. And Beanie was amazing. I guess my original point is that you can't just sleepwalk your way to a victory against Michigan, ever...kind of like we sleepwalked our way to a victory against Ohio.
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