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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

JXC;1293033; said:
Who was comparing App State to The Game?

Early in the thread, someone said that scoring in the Big House was difficult, to which another person replied "App St dropped 34..."

My point was, OSU-TSUN is the greatest rivalry in sports, and when you are at your rivals own field, everything can be difficult.
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Derek2k3;1296218; said:
Early in the thread, someone said that scoring in the Big House was difficult, to which another person replied "App St dropped 34..."

My point was, OSU-TSUN is the greatest rivalry in sports, and when you are at your rivals own field, everything can be difficult.

Because of the talent, rivalry and pressure/impact of The Game, not the big house. It is a pretty tame atmosphere for opposing teams to encounter.

Though for whatever reason, the osu fans are doing their best impression of it in the shoe this year.
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jwinslow;1296238; said:
Because of the talent, rivalry and pressure/impact of The Game, not the big house. It is a pretty tame atmosphere for opposing teams to encounter.

Though for whatever reason, the osu fans are doing their best impression of it in the shoe this year.

I agree that the players/intensity make a greater impact, but wouldn't you rather be in the 'Shoe than the Big House? I know it isn't a guarantee by any means, but it sure helps to be at home!:osu:
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Derek2k3;1296301; said:
I agree that the players/intensity make a greater impact, but wouldn't you rather be in the 'Shoe than the Big House? I know it isn't a guarantee by any means, but it sure helps to be at home!:osu:
Well of course, because OSU enjoys a strong home field advantage, at least for the big games.

How many opponents are greatly affected by their stadium? They are well known for being a strangely quiet stadium given their crowd. I know they believe the press boxes will change this, but the fact remains there are simply too many blue hairs in their crowd, like osu basketball.

How many stadiums around the country are far more raucous and challenging to play in?

Trips to happy valley and camp Randall are absolutely intimidating, even when the opponent is only average. When is the last time someone felt or talked that way about a trip to Ann arbor?

Their athletes, coaches, tradition, history and qwirks of rivalries present a strong challenge. But the stadium? Meh.
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Not so "little" brother has made a statement. It is 2-6 for scUM. Now its our turn. I know there are games before this, but I would like nothing more than for scUM to come to the game 5-6 and for us to thump them. Go bucks.

Fuck scUM.
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Does it say something about how bad Meatchicken sucks this year that I'm hoping this game doesn't get shown on BTN so I don't have to see anymore rotel commercials this year. You know BTN would love to have that crown jewel of a rivalry to show.
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ant80;1305508; said:
Not so "little" brother has made a statement. It is 2-6 for scUM.

To illustrate just what a clusterfuck of a season it has been for Michigan, we ourselves have had only five seasons with 6 or more losses in our entire history:

1897: 1-7-1
1943: 3-6-0
1947: 2-6-1
1988: 4-6-1
1999: 6-6-0
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Well, not that I am unhappy that scUM can't make bowl... was just hoping that we could be the ones ensuring that they couldn't make bowl. Would've been sweet.

In any case, this is a very important game. They are going to play up to the competition. We have to come prepared, make sure we don't take them for granted. Go bucks.

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