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Game Thread THE GAME, 11/26/16, 12pm ET, ABC

This offense has all kinds of issues...

A veteran Qb who goes into funks where he can't make simple throws
A young OL that still hasn't gelled at the end if the season.
WRs that struggle to create consistent separation even when JT has time
An offensive scheme that doesn't seem to adapt when their first design isn't working

I think a lot of it is execution, but a good enough share of it is coaching. Enough to warrant a re-examination of this current staff. OL hasn't been the same since Warriner took over play calling. QB play has regressed since we lost Herman.

I'm not one of those people that call for staff shakeups easily. Remember, Herman oversaw his share of clunkers. The thing that gets me about this year is there has been no consistent improvement this year. It's a young team, so hiccups happen, but generally you see improvement as the season wears on. This offense takes two steps forward, then two steps back...and it's week 12.

I'd like to see Urban go out and find another hot shot young offensive mind. I just don't know that Warriner/Beck are ever going to get this offense where it needs to be. A lot coming back next year to work with. And a lot coming in. Don't wanna see it go to waste.
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