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Game Thread THE GAME, 11/26/16, 12pm ET, ABC

Considering the playcalling so far, the staff clearly doesn't trust JT to make a throw over 10 yards, and honestly I can't blame them right now. If you can't trust your QB to make a throw over 10 yards... maybe make a change at QB?

I love JT to death, but he has been off quite frankly this entire season. At this point, screw it - see what Burrow can do. Our O is already cooked.

You realize that the Burrow won't magically make scUMs defense shitty, it won't magically give our offense veteran experience, and he damn sure won't help our receivers get open
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Again, what makes you think Burrow can do it? JT didn't have too many problems completely balls over 10 yards when Herman was the coach. Neither did Cardale. Suddenly both can barely complete a damn pass when Beck and Warriner take over.

I agree entirely. The coaching staff is at fault. But Burrow is the son of a coach and has received good coaching his entire life, and he threw quite well in the Spring game and in the limited opportunities he's had so far. I repeat - if we don't trust our starting QB to make a throw over 10 yards, for whatever reason (*cough* Tim Beck *cough*), it's worth considering.

And look - I love JT. I wanted him to start over Cardale last year too
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