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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

well, i've been spending some time on GBW, and i'm hearing all kinds of stuff: "this is our year," you guys were better last year and we almost beat you,"stats don't mean anything-we have the #1 rush D, so we're better," we're more physical and will stop Troy," "this is our year," yada yada yada... it's gonna be so sweet to rip their hearts out on 11/18.
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Glenn Mason:
"Traditionally in this league, the best players go to Ohio State and Michigan," Mason said. "In every league, there's certain teams that have built-in advantages. It's just the way it is right now. It seems like all the stars line up for Ohio State and Michigan."

Hey Glenn, those advantages aren't "built in", they were earned through decades of hard work, excellence, and fan/alumni dedication.
Heck, 80 or 90 years ago Illinois was in a much better postion than us to be the other part of the big 2, but we have outperformed them ever since, and we have earned whatever advantages we now enjoy.

LLLoyd Carr:
"After the game, normally there's a great energy and great enthusiasm," Carr said. "It was, relatively speaking, very quiet. To me, that's a sign that they're tired. Anybody that's played nine straight games, I guarantee you they're beat up, they're tired.
"Now, what can you do to change that, and to help them get their legs back and help them to be as fresh as they can be for the stretch run? Those are things that we're trying to address."

Thank God Tressel has addressed that throughout the whole year by platooning liberally (see - sometimes liberalism is a good thing!). What other coach would have committed to playing 57 players vs Texas and stuck to it.
Our guys should be fresh and relatively ding-free on Nov 18th.
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NightmaresDad;648879; said:
Thank God Tressel has addressed that throughout the whole year by platooning liberally (see - sometimes liberalism is a good thing!). What other coach would have committed to playing 57 players vs Texas and stuck to it.
Our guys should be fresh and relatively ding-free on Nov 18th.
i tried to say that on GBW and they acted like i was an idiot for saying that depth would be a factor....
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NightmaresDad;648879; said:
Hey Glenn, those advantages aren't "built in", they were earned through decades of hard work, excellence, and fan/alumni dedication.
Heck, 80 or 90 years ago Illinois was in a much better postion than us to be the other part of the big 2, but we have outperformed them ever since, and we have earned whatever advantages we now enjoy.

Back in the 30s it was Minnesota that was in the best position to establish a long tradition of dominance.
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Slap me if you've heard this but I heard Cato June on Jim Rome today predict a 22-point victory for scUM.

Of course, many callers called in to say how crazy that was. Even Rome said, "No one except the Patriots and Colts could go in there and beat tOSU by 22".

He also read some emails from Buckeye fans, including a couple that said, shiite, Meatchicken can't score 22 points on anyone, much less BEAT tOSU by 22!!"

Rome went on and on about "what if you're Llllloyd Carr and you go 1 and 5 against The Sweater Vest?"

good stuff

he promised to talk about it more tomorrow (Wednesday).

Go Bucks!!
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lvbuckeye;648920; said:
i tried to say that on GBW and they acted like i was an idiot for saying that depth would be a factor....
They will find out 11/18 what depth means. They will wish they had it then, when we keep throwing fresh players against them.
some guy on Rome just said Tsun will be lucky if tOSU doesn't beat them by 22. That meeechigan will find it hard to even score 22.
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The last thing I want is a loon like Rome giving anyone in the TSUN locker-room something like Bulletin Board material.
Rome should butt out, this isn't his game, he was born in California and is a UC Santa Barbara grad for goodness sakes.
As for Cato June - he is simply being a homer. Perhaps he forgot that The Game is in The Shoe, that JT is 4-1 vs Carr (working toward 5-1), that the Buckeyes have been getting really hot, that TSUN has been cooling down as they work through player injuries. Perhaps the last thing Cato guessed right was his weight. Perhaps he had to look that up to be sure though.
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UpNorthBuckeye;649021; said:
Slap me if you've heard this but I heard Cato June on Jim Rome today predict a 22-point victory for scUM.

Of course, many callers called in to say how crazy that was. Even Rome said, "No one except the Patriots and Colts could go in there and beat tOSU by 22".

He also read some emails from Buckeye fans, including a couple that said, shiite, Meatchicken can't score 22 points on anyone, much less BEAT tOSU by 22!!"

Rome went on and on about "what if you're Llllloyd Carr and you go 1 and 5 against The Sweater Vest?"

good stuff

he promised to talk about it more tomorrow (Wednesday).

Go Bucks!!

Great, im off work tomorrow(cause im working a double until 3am tonight). What times Rome come on TV so I can catch that? I've noticed he's always had some funny, yet kind, things to say about Tress. He loves to acknowledge the Sweater Vest.
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Magua;649033; said:
Great, im off work tomorrow(cause im working a double until 3am tonight). What times Rome come on TV so I can catch that? I've noticed he's always had some funny, yet kind, things to say about Tress. He loves to acknowledge the Sweater Vest.
Just in case you don't get another answer, I think he is on from 4pm est. it is 5 pm here now and he just ended.
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sandgk;649032; said:
The last thing I want is a loon like Rome giving anyone in the TSUN locker-room something like Bulletin Board material.
Rome should butt out, this isn't his game, he was born in California and is a UC Santa Barbara grad for goodness sakes.
As for Cato June - he is simply being a homer. Perhaps he forgot that The Game is in The Shoe, that JT is 4-1 vs Carr (working toward 5-1), that the Buckeyes have been getting really hot, that TSUN has been cooling down as they work through player injuries. Perhaps the last thing Cato guessed right was his weight. Perhaps he had to look that up to be sure though.
I have never noticed Rome to be tOSU friendly.
June is probably trying to forget that it was he that got pulled away from the outside in the 02 game when Mo hall scored the game winner.:)
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