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The Big Ten Is Irrelevant - Again

We're done with that line of discussion.

Meh, I still see a lot of talk about demographics and other cultural factors being discussed in a thread about whether a football conference is relevant - in football!

"back on topic" for this thread would need to be a post that included some box scores or actual football stats, I think. Nebraska-MSU is being billed as a top game this weekend...

I do see B1G names all over the SI and ESPiN (I only checked for research purposes, I promise) CFB homepages, for whatever that's worth.
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Because when the big ten loses to an unranked foe in conference play they free fall. When the sec does the same, Goliath stumbles mildly in the polls while David shoots up to around the same spot or higher. This happens virtually every time until people just accept this insanity and double standard and hope their conference can get a title berth if the six sec teams ranked in the top 12 lose first.[/QUOTE]

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"Hard facts" as presented by the Daily Mail? For someone playing the role of armchair philosopher these last few weeks, you do a ridiculously bad job of backing up a logical argument.

Are you denying blacks were denied entry into Alabama's fraternities based on race?
As for logic, your entire post is a fallacy. Specifically ad hominem as you attack the source and then me in order to change the debate away from the fact.
I'm sorry you don't like the facts, I could reference countless sources about that incident and what's happened since.
The facts don't change.
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Like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...

I ask, has anyone even defined how we are measuring relevance? By winning the championship? Computer rankings? Revenue? Television ratings? Stadium capacity? Anyone who has gone to Columbus on any given Saturday in September, and witnessed 200,000 plus fans congregating around Ohio Stadium, some just to tailgate while watching the game on televisions they brought from home, and still thinks the B1G is irrelevant, has no soul.
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We need this as a emoticon

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Like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...

I ask, has anyone even defined how we are measuring relevance? By winning the championship? Computer rankings? Revenue? Television ratings? Stadium capacity? Anyone who has gone to Columbus on any given Saturday in September, and witnessed 200,000 plus fans congregating around Ohio Stadium, some just to tailgate while watching the game on televisions they brought from home, and still thinks the B1G is irrelevant, has no soul.
Very good question. I, like others, are getting wrapped up in this and we haven't even defined success. At this point we are starting to let the SEC, ESPiN, etc. trolls win I guess. B1G B1G B1G!!!!!!
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