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The Big Ten Is Irrelevant - Again

This seems to be the only ignorance in the thread thus far.
What you posted has nothing to do with anything -- you claimed if blacks weren't being treated fairly there would be riots.
I just gave you several examples where they clearly aren't treated fairly at southern Universities.
You couldn't counter those examples, so now you're just throwing out insults in a fashion that'd make Schopenhauer proud:

I said, its enough.
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No, you made provocative statements based on your oh so worldly experiences of, what was it Colorado and Elyria?

Its certainly not appropriate for this conversation. Please spare me your normal holier than thou, my world view is awesome strawman routine. (Hard facts? Please.)

Mississippi and Flobama actually.
I'll quote just one of the hard facts you're trying to bury:

What about the girl, whose father is an alum and Judge, who was denied entry into a sorority b/c of race?
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Because Jim Tressel broke the league and came up short in 06 & 07. The latter was just bad luck as that 07 team was not one of Jim's top five squads. 05 & 06 would obliterate them. 02, 03 would take their manhood. 10 would win by 10+, 08 is closet but probably wins and while 04 was worse overall I'd be curious to see the result of a bowl season matchup.

Because the big ten actually had to play Pete Carroll, something that basically didn't happen to the top dogs in the south east (that stayed remarkably insulated until the league dynasty was well in place, with a few exceptions, kudos lsu)

Because Michigan has never recovered from Tressel and if they had remained good and kept beating the sec, the rhetoric might be much different. Or espn would still use the same hypercritical hyperbole against the league that it never ever uses on the acc or b12, allowing them to recruit their way out of rampant failures on the field.

Because Michigan traded in a long line of NFL qbs including a returning one in mallett so they could have forcier, Robinson, Gardner and later Morris. All of which were secondary to a foolish all in pursuit on huge osu lean terrelle Pryor.

Because the last two football powers didn't have much success after joining and certainly nothing close to what they enjoyed in the decades beforehand.

Because the Midwest cannot support osu, up, nd, msu and have enough left for the weak members of the b1g.

Because the league recruits poorly as a whole, especially compared to the resources and "resources" at lower rung schools in the acc, sec and b12. Cheating happens everywhere but it is more systemic in the south, especially comparing Wisconsin or sparty to ole miss or Clemson, let alone Purdue vs miss st. The commitment to winning, especially with such apathy about the other sports, creates a very different pursuit. Far better coaches, recruiters, facilities and methods.

Because espn isn't directly influencing and protecting the title berths and recruiting prowess of second and third tier b1g schools that do not accomplish anything on their own but membership.

Because when the big ten loses to an unranked foe in conference play they free fall. When the sec does the same, Goliath stumbles mildly in the polls while David shoots up to around the same spot or higher. This happens virtually every time until people just accept this insanity and double standard and hope their conference can get a title berth if the six sec teams ranked in the top 12 lose first.
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To be fair I think Corn is performing at about the same level as they were when they left LHN Conference. I don't know how their record compares, but they were already a reliably above-average team in comparison to their 1990s glory. I think their situation now is very comparable with how the West division is pretty weak just like B12 North was when they came over. It's pretty much Neb and Wiscy for now.
I hold out hope somehow someway UT and OU can be added to that side, but it's a Harbaugh-esque pipe dream =/
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back on topic.
sheer numbers support the south/SEC.

Louisiana on average produces more FBS players than any Big Ten state not named Ohio.
this despite having a noticeably smaller overall population than any of those other states.

in fact, there are 5 states in the SEC footprint that out produce the 2nd best Big Ten state (Pennsylvania).

and for the most part, there's no one else in the region to compete with us for recruits other than ourselves. Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia are all in the top 7 for total FBS players. Georgia Tech is the only non-SEC school in any of those states who realistically has even a remote chance of "stealing" an in state recruit.

it gives us a built in advantage over other regions.
OSU stays strong at least in part because the state produces players at a high level and no other school in state to seriously challenge them on the recruiting trail.
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back on topic.
sheer numbers support the south/SEC.

Louisiana on average produces more FBS players than any Big Ten state not named Ohio.
this despite having a noticeably smaller overall population than any of those other states.

in fact, there are 5 states in the SEC footprint that out produce the 2nd best Big Ten state (Pennsylvania).

and for the most part, there's no one else in the region to compete with us for recruits other than ourselves. Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia are all in the top 7 for total FBS players. Georgia Tech is the only non-SEC school in any of those states who realistically has even a remote chance of "stealing" an in state recruit.

it gives us a built in advantage over other regions.
OSU stays strong at least in part because the state produces players at a high level and no other school in state to seriously challenge them on the recruiting trail.
I agree with you and this reinforces the argument concerning the lack of other entertainment/sport options in the SEC footprint.

It reminds me of when a coach has to worry about his star in Columbus, OH vs Tuscaloosa, AL. I have never been to Tuscaloosa but I assume there is a lot more opportunity to get in trouble in Columbus. There is more shit for kids to do.
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I agree with you and this reinforces the argument concerning the lack of other entertainment/sport options in the SEC footprint.

It reminds me of when a coach has to worry about his star in Columbus, OH vs Tuscaloosa, AL. I have never been to Tuscaloosa but I assume there is a lot more opportunity to get in trouble in Columbus. There is more [Mark May] for kids to do.

I can't speak for any of the Big Ten towns, but most of the SEC towns I've seen are small blips off the beaten path.

Baton Rouge is not a big city, but I beleive trails only Nashville i. population compared to other SEC towns (I still not counting Aggie and Mizzou as SEC).

Hell, Mississippi State is literally in a cow pasture nowhere even close to an interstate.
their dorms probably make up close to 50% of the entire Starkville population.
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To back up what Nutriaitch has stated:


Roughly 47% of all FBS players are within the SEC's footprint. Compare that to 19% for the Big Ten, and about 13% for the Pac-12. Sure, some states are split (SEC-ACC and SEC-B12), but you get the idea. I'd imagine that athletes tend to want to stay closer to home as a natural inclination, which favors the SEC, and similar regional schools. Alternatively, its also why the B10 is much better at basketball, as Indiana, Maryland, and coastal states produce a ton of basketball talent (source: http://regressing.deadspin.com/map-where-do-college-basketball-recruits-come-from-1507395145).

Not sure what can reverse the trends other than global warming helping the midwest out, maybe.
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