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The 2020 College Football Season

Do they need 9 schools or 9 teams? I have an idea for the Big Ten. Split the OSU squad up into 2 teams, OSUA and OSUB, and we can see how the bottom half of the roster does against the Big Ten. Then you only need 1 more team to join the mix.

I haven’t figured out how to clone Ryan Day yet, however.

From 2013-2014 through 2016-2017 the B1G only needed 6 teams for hockey, they have 7 now with ND. They currently are doing Lacrosse with 6 teams (and 1 team is Johns Hopkins). Why would football be any different?
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From 2013-2014 through 2016-2017 the B1G only needed 6 teams for hockey, they have 7 now with ND. They currently are doing Lacrosse with 6 teams (and 1 team is Johns Hopkins). Why would football be any different?

Remember there was talk of a 6 team B1G this year, a 10 game sked playing home and home. I'd take that at this point but I don't expect it to happen.
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Gov. DeWine optimistic about fall Big Ten schedule

While the Big Ten has remained silent for nearly a month now, there was new hope for a reinstated fall football season last week.

Ohio State has been ready and will continue to be ready for whenever the Buckeyes are given the green light to play a season. And it could still get that green light for an October start, which is still an option, according to Lettermen Row sources.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine knows how important football is to the state. He certainly can still see a fall football season happening for the Big Ten.

“I think there certainly is a decent chance of there being a season in football for the Big Ten, for Ohio State, which is what we’re really concerned about,” DeWine said Tuesday during his press briefing. “I talked to [Ohio State athletic director] Gene Smith this morning about that issue. I’m not going to disclose our conversation other than I inquired about it. He told me it was still in play, still very much a possibility.”

DeWine remains optimistic about a potential season. It all comes down to how the Buckeyes — and the league — set up testing.

“The key is always going to be how it is done,” DeWine said. “Athletes at Ohio State, with their capability of testing, very, very, very frequently, could potentially be the safest people there with a couple of things coming together. One, very close in time testing. And two, a strong ethic to stay safe to be able to play football.”

Entire article: https://lettermenrow.com/scarlet-su...unrise-gov-mike-dewine-fall-big-ten-schedule/
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Sorry if it's been mentioned, but what legal repercussions would OSU face if the football team left the Big 10? Insurmountable monetary penalties? Or would the Big 10 kick them out of the conference in all sports and academic endeavors? Do Fox/Big 10 Network have OSU by the balls, too?
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STICKING TO THE PLAN. As the Big Ten seems to be downright refusing to play football this fall, the conference seems to have a really bizarre level of confidence in the basketball season going forward without a hitch.

They're even insisting on non-conference games!

The Big Ten remains intent on planning to play non-conference games during the 20-21 college basketball season, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the situation.

While circumstances can change daily due to COVID-19, the league is currently operating with a plan in place to play games outside of its conference in November and December.

Several college basketball industry sources felt during the past month that the Big Ten was considering playing a 26-game, double round-robin type format during the upcoming year for safety reasons, but that idea “has cooled off” in recent weeks, according to two separate sources.

So the Big Ten is uneasy about Ohio State and Michigan playing football in an open-air stadium but is going to make sure it's possible for the Buckeyes to host Niagara inside at roughly the same date? Neat.

“OCTOBER ISN'T OUT OF THE QUESTION.” This entire Big Ten debacle has been immensely shitty all around – and if you think following along is bad, imagine the constant dick punch of having to write about it every day.

That said, if you would have told me a month ago when the Big Ten initially canceled the season that a late October start would still be possible at this point, I'd gladly take it, no questions asked.

I mean, shit – three weeks ago Kevin Warren issued a statement declaring that the postponement was final and would not be revisited. Today, we're eagerly awaiting a revisited decision with October (even if it is late October) still on the table.

All things considered, this is better than where I thought we'd be.

Now, my only problem with late October is that if it's too late to make Ohio State eligible for the College Football Playoff, you may as well play in March for all I care. However, if the Big Ten really does get rolling, I'd bet big money the playoff would delay to accommodate.

More than that, money talks. And you can bet your ass that after all this fight, folks in Buckeyland would sooner pull off their own fingernails with a pliers before missing Ohio State in a playoff game.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...ley-roby-expects-a-sloppy-start-to-the-season
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So the Big Ten is uneasy about Ohio State and Michigan playing football in an open-air stadium but is going to make sure it's possible for the Buckeyes to host Niagara inside at roughly the same date? Neat.

“OCTOBER ISN'T OUT OF THE QUESTION.” This entire Big Ten debacle has been immensely shitty all around – and if you think following along is bad, imagine the constant dick punch of having to write about it every day.

That said, if you would have told me a month ago when the Big Ten initially canceled the season that a late October start would still be possible at this point, I'd gladly take it, no questions asked.

I mean, shit – three weeks ago Kevin Warren issued a statement declaring that the postponement was final and would not be revisited. Today, we're eagerly awaiting a revisited decision with October (even if it is late October) still on the table.

All things considered, this is better than where I thought we'd be.

Now, my only problem with late October is that if it's too late to make Ohio State eligible for the College Football Playoff, you may as well play in March for all I care. However, if the Big Ten really does get rolling, I'd bet big money the playoff would delay to accommodate.

More than that, money talks. And you can bet your ass that after all this fight, folks in Buckeyland would sooner pull off their own fingernails with a pliers before missing Ohio State in a playoff game.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/skul...ley-roby-expects-a-sloppy-start-to-the-season

Anyone who thinks the Covid shit is going to get better come November/December is likely setting himself up for disappointment. Typically the beginning of flu season, now you have people who haven't seen grandma in months. Are they really not going to get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas?

There's already Covid fatigue. Another couple months and people will be set on having their holidays as usual - indoors, in groups. Good luck.
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