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The 2020 College Football Season

Yes, but the football money sustains the other non revenue sports. As we’ve already seen in many instances, those programs are being cut.
I'm not arguing that point at all. I agree about the financial ramifications.
Yet, if the B1G institutions didn't receive the $billions that they get for their academic and research endeavors, THEN they would be shitting the bed and coming up with a plan yesterday.
The PR shit show and "hoping for the best" really puts into view, for me, just how little regard there really is for sports by the oldest athletic conference in the nation.
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I'm not arguing that point at all. I agree about the financial ramifications.
Yet, if the B1G institutions didn't receive the $billions that they get for their academic and research endeavors, THEN they would be shitting the bed and coming up with a plan yesterday.
The PR shit show and "hoping for the best" really puts into view, for me, just how little regard there really is for sports by the oldest athletic conference in the nation.
Yep, not disagreeing with you either. Just trying to separate sports monies from academic monies.
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Yep, not disagreeing with you either. Just trying to separate sports monies from academic monies.
And I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, I don't see them as equitable in this situation.
For further clarification, I get to hear on a regular basis from my corporation and many others about the importance of our customers, our shareholders, and our employees.
That order is not just intentional, but also factual. In corporations, the employees are told how important they are, but actions demonstrate that they're not as important as the things that provide money into the organization (the customers and investors).
Student athletes don't compare to government and corporate money along with fund raising and donations.
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By the way, I see DaU is back.

Up 14-7 at the half vs UAB.

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