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The 2020 College Football Season

Made several football bets on lesser teams today because I can, since the jackasses running the B1G refuse to let anyone play. At least I have a reason to watch tomorrow.

I hope the rest of the country plays football. The highly-paid B1G assclowns who couldn't wait to cancel football need to be shamed everywhere.
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The Big Ten can’t stop me from overeating and getting drunk as hell while watching a bunch of shitty football today.


Sitting there. In your tower. Denying us of watching a horse... A horseman. You wish you had a fraction of his power. Look at him, knocking that egg back like Bruce Lee. You think you can swing those weights around, you hacks??? All that skill. You don’t have what it takes at 6am to do that. So just sit there. You’ve earned all the Cosby’s today. ALL OF THEM! You can’t even fathom what it means to see the world bursting open from that woman’s chest after being up 28-0. YOU DON’T KNOW. You never will.

So just leave me be. I’m not losing it. Not today. All my plungers can go to Wake Forest. Then what?
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Sorry if it's already been addressed but I'm assuming we're not playing the Upset Game Contest....

I mean, I think it's abundantly clear who's pretty fucking upset. But, I wasn't sure if we were going to be giving out prizes.

For instance, a trip to Who Gives a Shit Bowl or the Fake Rose Bowl?
I realized a couple of days ago that I hadn’t started the contest, and didn’t feel like doing it for this screwed-up half a season. If the B1G shockingly decides to start in October I’ll start it up sometime soon. But I’m basically ignoring the college football that is being played at this point.
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I realized a couple of days ago that I hadn’t started the contest, and didn’t feel like doing it for this screwed-up half a season. If the B1G shockingly decides to start in October I’ll start it up sometime soon. But I’m basically ignoring the college football that is being played at this point.

Yep, pretty much. If I remember there's games on and they're interesting I might watch, but if not I have other things to occupy my time with since the Bucks and rest of the B1G aren't playing.
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Can't wait for that Campbell vs Georgia Southern match up today. Don't miss Coastal Carolina at Kansas tonight on FS1, either.

Might be a good day to catch up on yard work?
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My son has a football game today...in Ohio...4th graders...during this pandemic...if only the B1G had the resources this 4th grade peewee football league has.

Yeah, just wait until those 4th graders start to organize and ask for compensation for their likeness. We’ll see how long that league stays around...
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I realized a couple of days ago that I hadn’t started the contest, and didn’t feel like doing it for this screwed-up half a season. If the B1G shockingly decides to start in October I’ll start it up sometime soon. But I’m basically ignoring the college football that is being played at this point.
Tbh I probably would’ve ignored, or at least forgotten about it, even if the B1G had played. Winning a NC this year is going to be in the same category as crowing about how many NCs you won when football was being played with leather helmets. Just hard to give a fuck considering the circumstances.
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My son has a football game today...in Ohio...4th graders...during this pandemic...if only the B1G had the resources this 4th grade peewee football league has.
I'm as grumpy about this as the next rational person....but 4th grade peewee involves exponentially less people than a B1G season.
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I realized a couple of days ago that I hadn’t started the contest, and didn’t feel like doing it for this screwed-up half a season. If the B1G shockingly decides to start in October I’ll start it up sometime soon. But I’m basically ignoring the college football that is being played at this point.
Interesting. I think if the Big Ten were playing my interest in other games/conferences would increase too. Without the Bucks, I’m just sorta WGAF.
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