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The 2020 College Football Season

The plan for the teams in conferences attempting to play is that there is no plan......just call the games "postponed" and hope you can figure it out later,

I am in the let them play camp, but this could royally blow up in the conferences' faces if they have zero plan should this go sideways. By sideways, I mean teams postponing games versus outright cancelation. This would make the B1G look somewhat good I guess.
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Kevin Colbert said:
...“If there are two players that are close or equal, we’ll take the one that has played most recently,” Colbert said. “We’re hopeful that the other conferences get up and running. If they do, we’ll add that to the evaluations. If they don’t—again, all we have is 2019 and we’ll make the best decisions we can.”...

Doesn't really sound that unreasonable
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I guess we're stuck with NFL and I'm guessing they've got plans to play on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to meet demand.

Not likely:

It's because of the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961, which exempts the NFL from antitrust laws for its broadcasting rights. The act prohibits NFL broadcasts on Friday nights and on Saturdays "beginning on the second Friday in September and ending on the second Saturday in December."

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The quote says if the players are "close or equal" they'll take the guy who played. So I guess they'd take Lawrence over Fields as it stands right now.

I had no interest in reading that story and was just riffing off the headline.

Here's a newsflash, though..... Lawrence is already higher than Fields on a lot of draft boards. Not mine, mind you, but alas, I don't have a team on which to draft players.
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