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The 2020 College Football Season

And that is the worst of all things.

Not only are the other conferences going to play, the Big Ten has every opportunity to play and even had a standing offer from the Feds to help cover it but then they still don't want to play? Not to mention their incoherence and total lack of transparency is in the media for everyone to see.

Yeah....maybe Ohio State will survive long term as a program, but the mass exodus of talent from this conference is going to start sooner than later.

Who would want to go to a conference that literally said "no thanks, we will sit it out" while everyone else plays? The negative recruiting will literally be insurmountable and the worst part is its totally accurate.
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And that is the worst of all things.

Not only are the other conferences going to play, the Big Ten has every opportunity to play and even had a standing offer from the Feds to help cover it but then they still don't want to play? Not to mention their incoherence and total lack of transparency is in the media for everyone to see.

Yeah....maybe Ohio State will survive long term as a program, but the mass exodus of talent from this conference is going to start sooner than later.

Who would want to go to a conference that literally said "no thanks, we will sit it out" while everyone else plays? The negative recruiting will literally be insurmountable and the worst part is its totally accurate.

The narrative faced on the recruiting trail by B1G teams will be variants of "de-emphasizing football" and they won't be lying.

First chance half of the B1G school get to call it a day they jump on it because they weren't going to be competitive anyway. It's a reality.
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The narrative faced on the recruiting trail by B1G teams will be variants of "de-emphasizing football" and they won't be lying.

First chance half of the B1G school get to call it a day they jump on it because they weren't going to be competitive anyway. It's a reality.

Exactly. The Big Ten is now the Big East post-2004 realignment. Maybe worse. Probably worse - they seem intent upon tying their boat to the Titanic failure that is the PAC-12....the problem is the Pac-12 already hit the ice berg.
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It's all about what ESPN is going to paint. They control the made for TV playoff after all.

Unless that's not the focus anymore...in which case, it's not stretching to make a point.

No doubt it'll be an issue, but OSU and PSU are recruiting at too high enough a level to talk about the B10 being the BE.

Maybe that would change after this year, but I still think OSU will be fine in the long run.
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