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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

The morons and cattlefuckers at Surly are now thinking they are back in the running for UFM :lol:

What more does the AD have to say? He even called the newspaper back to clarify "TOM HERMAN WILL BE BACK IN 2021!" It's over. Urban dropped the big one.

They need to focus on their upcoming Cheez-It Bowl appearance. That's a pretty big time bowl for a program of their level.
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If true......


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What more does the AD have to say? He even called the newspaper back to clarify "TOM HERMAN WILL BE BACK IN 2021!" It's over. Urban dropped the big one.

They need to focus on their upcoming Cheez-It Bowl appearance. That's a pretty big time bowl for a program of their level.
Hey! Hey! Hey! How dare you besmerch the legendary name of the Cheez-It Bowl in such a manner!
A pox on you sir!
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Damn it surly.


1) close friend or relative (but not too close) has encounters with group of UT illuminati that's meeting behind closed doors and dictating the future of the program.

I see you went to the Nahlin school of making up bullshit.

2) Meyer feels great about being the coach here but wants to wait until he can have some more meaningless Fox appearances or, better yet, for Herman to coach the Cumdumpster.com bowl that Texas will accept but probably won't be played due to coronavirus. He'll just wait and let the majority of a signing class come on line and get zero say on getting stuck for 4 years with a lot of players he probably doesn't want. All because he doesn't want to upset the fox gig or a coach he's replacing. Yeah, that makes complete sense for a taskmaster anal perfectionist like Urban Meyer. That fits his personality to a tee.

No way in hell Meyer would delay to "respect" the guy that gave him an aneurism.
His favorite part of the job also seemed to be recruiting - he wouldn't miss that either.
Don't think he cares what Fox or ESPN say. Everyone knows the score there... they need him, if he's gonna coach he's gonna coach, etc. They'll take what they can get no hard feelings.
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Lol. Stand corrected. The best part is it’s on OBT (orange blossom trail) in Orlando.

I may have been there a time or two.

South or north of Sand Lake Rd and the mall, though? That makes a slight difference. :lol:

"The ref belongs on OBT" is easily my favorite chant that Orlando City fans use at games, and I think Tom would feel right at home on that road.
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