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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

What a shame. You just hate to see it.
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Herman has three seasons remaining on a guaranteed contract that is due to pay him more than $6 million per year.

With Meyer out of the mix, the idea of moving on from Herman and his staff -- which would require a buyout that's estimated to be roughly $25 million -- made the idea of a coaching change that much tougher.

The bottom line: They can't get a big name coach to justify Herman's $25M buyout.

"When I look at our football program right now, I see tremendous young men and promising talent," Del Conte said. "Our student-athletes are developing and they play their hearts out. This has been an unprecedented year for all of us, and we're all disappointed that we didn't meet our expectations.

The reality: Recruits are going to be reluctant to sign with Texas knowing that Herman is on really thin ice, Texas has already looked into replacing him, and he very well may not be there after the 2021 season.
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Off to the shag...err, surly.
Many of them in the urban or bust mega thread are going with "he didn't specifically say tom herman would be the ut coach in 2021" rationalization.

ATLLonghorn 365
Posted 5 minutes ago
Texas is going to be three quarters into next year's season opener with Tom Herman as head coach and some of y'all will still think Urban Meyer will be coaching Texas in 2021
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as much as I'd love to sit back and laugh at that, I think all of these coaching search fantasies are operating on pre COVID assumptions. Specifically that money is no obstacle.

These schools and sports programs have taken massive financial hits. The idea that the Universities will allow the AD's to go splashing around millions in buy outs and millions more for the new guy is pretty far from reality imo.

As bad as they are, I don't think these coaches with big buy outs are going anywhere, or at least not at the rate that's being discussed.

The top 1% - the donors bankrolling these changes before and after - have got significantly richer.
If it's what the donors want, they'll get it.
It's that Mid Majors that will suffer, and non revenue (big donor) sports.
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