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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

Among ttun, Texas & Tennessee, who will be first to win a national championship? And realistically, how many years away is it?

I’ll take the three of them and an over / under of in my life time... and bet big on the over. I’m 50. Average male life expectancy is roughly 79 years. Even knowing that my personal health / family history makes that a significantly low estimate, I’m still taking the over.
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Among ttun, Texas & Tennessee, who will be first to win a national championship? And realistically, how many years away is it?
In all honesty its Tejas and its not even close... they are bound to hit dumb luck like they did with Mack Brown and get a guy who can deal with the politics of it ... they have the best recruiting base and the easiest conference....

years away.. i’d say < 20
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In all honesty its Tejas and its not even close... they are bound to hit dumb luck like they did with Mack Brown and get a guy who can deal with the politics of it ... they have the best recruiting base and the easiest conference....

years away.. i’d say < 20

Even then, they needed a once in a generation talent who could do everything with a football except autorgraph it.
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In all honesty its Tejas and its not even close... they are bound to hit dumb luck like they did with Mack Brown and get a guy who can deal with the politics of it ... they have the best recruiting base and the easiest conference....

years away.. i’d say < 20
Even then, they needed a once in a generation talent who could do everything with a football except autorgraph it.

I was going to say it but ORD beat me to it. I think Texas's success in the early 2000's was more due to Vince Young and then Colt McCoy, and not so much because of Mack Brown.

But to answer the original question, I agree that it's Texas, and ~20 years.
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I was going to say it but ORD beat me to it. I think Texas's success in the early 2000's was more due to Vince Young and then Colt McCoy, and not so much because of Mack Brown.

But to answer the original question, I agree that it's Texas, and ~20 years.
It absolutely was more to do with VY and Colt. It's no coincidence that they were seen as massive underachievers before VY then fell off a cliff after McCoy graduated.
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...according to shag/surly...
That's not much of a selling point. Based on their Urban Meyer threads, that board, more than most, will fully believe or disbelieve damn near anything in proportion to how hard they want it to be true. One of the Meyer sources they were basing their hopes on was a Twitter squid character posting almost entirely in emoji.
I'm no expert with the Texas boards, but I'm curious about how many of their fans thought it was crazy that Ohio State didn't fire Urban Meyer for the whole thing with Zach Smith. Now that they get a fun rumor that Urban is looking at the housing market, they're all on board with him coming to town.
At least 80%.
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Even with Vince, they found ways to fuck it up until 2005. And they should've fucked it up in 2005 against us.
They were also fortunate in the USC game, avoiding turnovers on two 4th quarter drives when VY had a fumble that bounced the right way, and one of the Ting brothers dropped a pick near midfield. Of course, I was pleased with the Texas win, since it prevented the ‘Two-and-a-half-Pete’.

And yes, I’ve trademarked that last phrase. I’m planning on selling a lot of T-shirts 15 years after the fact. I just need Radio advertising - that’s a pic of VY wearing one.
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Even then, they needed a once in a generation talent who could do everything with a football except autorgraph it.

You know, I've heard people say "Texas is back" repeatedly over the years, but now I'm wondering if they were ever an elite program to begin with. Maybe this is what Texas is. The college sports equivalent of an underachieving third-generation trust fund baby.
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You know, I've heard people say "Texas is back" repeatedly over the years, but now I'm wondering if they were ever an elite program to begin with. Maybe this is what Texas is. The college sports equivalent of an underachieving third-generation trust fund baby.
This is what Texas is. A historically underachieving program with delusions of grandeur.
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