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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

Among ttun, Texas & Tennessee, who will be first to win a national championship? And realistically, how many years away is it?
Texas, no doubt, because of their recruiting base.

Urban Meyer (or Nick Saban or Dabo Swinney) would win a national championship at Texas in his first five years.
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You know, I've heard people say "Texas is back" repeatedly over the years, but now I'm wondering if they were ever an elite program to begin with. Maybe this is what Texas is. The college sports equivalent of an underachieving third-generation trust fund baby.

They had an amazing run from the early 60s to the mid 70s under Darrell Royal. Since then, they haven't done shit outside of that six year Radio-Colt window and haven't been anything close to a consistent national program. That's irrelevant from the late 70s--when they choked a national title away to ND in the Cotton Bowl--to now outside of those six years: 36 of 42 years. By comparison, our worst stretch was probably from around 82-83 to 92, only ten years.

Their overall win total is something of a poor-man's tsun retread in that they ran up huge numbers in the 10s and 20s before other colleges in the region had developed competitive programs.
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What a monumental nut punch it will be to Tejas if Urban turns around and takes the USC job.

And while I may not like Herman, I eagerly await him burning every single bridge behind him. You know that motherfucker doesn't have it in him to go quietly, and I can't wait until he starts pointing fingers and talking about the culture behind the program.
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What a monumental nut punch it will be to Tejas if Urban turns around and takes the USC job.

And while I may not like Herman, I eagerly await him burning every single bridge behind him. You know that motherfucker doesn't have it in him to go quietly, and I can't wait until he starts pointing fingers and talking about the culture behind the program.

There's no way that asshat doesn't peg the whole state as racists over the whole Eyes thing.
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