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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

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The morons and cattlefuckers at Surly are now thinking they are back in the running for UFM :lol:
Damn it surly.

Caddox 661
Posted 2 hours ago
Ill just do quick cliffs:

Close friends BIL was at a lease this weekend with someone that was in the room in Dallas when they were putting together the donor side of the UM stuff. Buddy texts me earlier and says the program and the CDC stuff whatever was constant conversation.

- They still feel good about UM.

- CDC is hardly even involved.

- Tom Herman is toast

My main question without being too pushy was why was everyone celebrating on Saturday and then shitty news comes out Sunday and everyone goes completely silent? He said they felt like this last round of negotiations went really well, but that they all agreed to give Meyer space bc it was clear he needed it. Then they all went nuts bc Meyer basically told us he felt great about stuff and that he wants to let the season or his fox stuff or our season or whatever shake out. Meyer had started to get cagey and then he gave us a super positive indication without us asking for one.

1) close friend or relative (but not too close) has encounters with group of UT illuminati that's meeting behind closed doors and dictating the future of the program.

I see you went to the Nahlin school of making up bullshit.

2) Meyer feels great about being the coach here but wants to wait until he can have some more meaningless Fox appearances or, better yet, for Herman to coach the Cumdumpster.com bowl that Texas will accept but probably won't be played due to coronavirus. He'll just wait and let the majority of a signing class come on line and get zero say on getting stuck for 4 years with a lot of players he probably doesn't want. All because he doesn't want to upset the fox gig or a coach he's replacing. Yeah, that makes complete sense for a taskmaster anal perfectionist like Urban Meyer. That fits his personality to a tee.
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