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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

This has the potential to approach the Tennessee coaching search from a couple of years back for levels of entertainment. Do they have a twitter equivalent of Clay Travis?
I bet UT is glad they skipped on Schiano now though, I mean look at what a train wreck his first year has been at Rutgers vs how well Pruitt has performed for them.
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I’m sure folks really wanna deal with folks like this

Yeah, that’s a pretty on the nose encapsulation of why coaching careers go there to die.

Dear coach, here are this week’s 172 tips and pointers from our top donors, have fun dealing with this shit.

I also feel like this is why Mack Brown was successful. He was good at dealing with the politics of it all, including all that went into maintaining relationships with the top Texas HS programs and thereby locking up 75% of his classes with in-state commits by May each year.
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Coaching carousel: End may be near for Tom Herman at Texas
The end could come for coach Tom Herman as soon as Sunday following the Kansas State game. Whether Urban Meyer is interested remains to be seen. Right now, there are no credible Meyer rumblings, but that could change in a heartbeat.

If Meyer isn't interested, look for the pecking order to start with Penn State's James Franklin with Oregon's Mario Cristobal next in line.

Not helping the situation: Last month, Herman lost Quinn Ewers, the top-ranked quarterback in the Class of 2022. Ewers dropped Texas and committed to Ohio State.


Just sayin': Dennis Dodd is only slightly more credible/reliable than Sir Yacht.....:nod:
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Oh, dear.... yes.... James Franklin is their man. DO IT!

as much as I'd love to sit back and laugh at that, I think all of these coaching search fantasies are operating on pre COVID assumptions. Specifically that money is no obstacle.

These schools and sports programs have taken massive financial hits. The idea that the Universities will allow the AD's to go splashing around millions in buy outs and millions more for the new guy is pretty far from reality imo.

As bad as they are, I don't think these coaches with big buy outs are going anywhere, or at least not at the rate that's being discussed.
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as much as I'd love to sit back and laugh at that, I think all of these coaching search fantasies are operating on pre COVID assumptions. Specifically that money is no obstacle.

These schools and sports programs have taken massive financial hits. The idea that the Universities will allow the AD's to go splashing around millions in buy outs and millions more for the new guy is pretty far from reality imo.

As bad as they are, I don't think these coaches with big buy outs are going anywhere, or at least not at the rate that's being discussed.
i think the assumption is that boosters will pay these buyouts... but same still applies... these boosters are taking hits too
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i think the assumption is that boosters will pay these buyouts... but same still applies... these boosters are taking hits too

Yes and even if the boosters could and would, the optics of doing it while schools start cutting programs, or worse, for regular students are, well, not great Bob. "You have an extra $30MM to change out football coaches but cut 9 sports??!!" etc etc etc

Even the big money schools like tsun and Texas will need to be budget conscious here.....I think.
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Yes and even if the boosters could and would, the optics of doing it while schools start cutting programs, or worse, for regular students are, well, not great Bob. "You have an extra $30MM to change out football coaches but cut 9 sports??!!" etc etc etc

Even the big money schools like tsun and Texas will need to be budget conscious here.....I think.
Harvard of the plains would do that.
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