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TE Louis Irizarry (official thread)

Agreed...the saddest part of this is that they are on a college team that won a NC and almost played for another, and they pissed it all away by being stupid (if they did it, that is). They'll certainly be the big losers, because for the rest of their life they'll have to look back at their lost opportunity of a lifetime.
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bucknuts44820 said:
:smash: :roll2: well, my feeling is that these two children should be shown the door and good luck trying to get to the pros playing in the local prison league.
Don't know anyone who disagrees with that.

IF LI goes back to Miami after he gets out of jail will he still need to sit out a year?
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Sorry that I was incorrect I was reaching on some factual info from some time last year. At any rate, Geiger did tell O Zone that they were both gone unless something came to light that they weren't aware of.

I guess that means two more scholies!
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The news just keeps getting better. Unless there are two people named AJ Trapasso with a birthdate of 2/6/86 living in Franklin County, then our newly arrived punter has an arraignment date of 5/5/04 at 9:00 AM for underage drinking.


It also appears that Branden Joe missed his court date today. A bench warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Say it ain't so, Joe

Fans may begin thinking that Monday is autograph session day at Franklin County Municipal Court.
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:lol: Maybe Irizarry was supposed to be Joe's ride to get to the courthouse.

Here's one question I'd like to ask OSU: why wasn't a scumbag like LI expelled after the dorm room incident. I love how retards defended this guy on Bucknuts by saying "Oh, boys will be boys" and "I got into a lot of fights in school." Uh, this wasn't a fight. It was a cowardly cheap shot. And then he tried to beat up a girl. Why this loser wasn't expelled on the spot is beyond me. (before you accuse me of playing Monday morning QB, I argued that he should been expelled months ago but was shouted down by the "Who cares? he's a great tight end!" crowd)

According to the report, two men were transported to The Ohio State University Medical Center's emergency room. One of the men was struck in the left side of his face with a fist near his left eye, which caused "serious swelling and bruising." The other man was struck in the left side of his face with a fist near his lip which "caused it to lacerate," the report said.

Witnesses said Irizarry had an argument with his girlfriend and followed her back to her dorm room at Park Hall. According to the report, one of the alleged victims was heating a pizza in the microwave oven when Irizarry came into the room and struck him.

Irizarry's girlfriend then attempted to calm him down by placing her arms around him and begged him to stop, when he "threw her off to the side of him, where she struck a table and knocked over a pot of coffee," the report said.

As he left the room, he allegedly struck the other victim in the face and began shouting and cursing at everyone in the hallway.

Irizarry, from Youngstown, Ohio, had played sparingly as Ohio State's third tight end. He had no catches this season.

A top-10 tight end out of high school, Irizarry was involved in a heated recruiting battle with Miami, Fla., and committed to Ohio State after the Fiesta Bowl.
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Good observation Tibor. Add Mili's earlier comment on I's similar thug problems in H.S. (I assume these incidents are a matter of record), and one comes up with a decidedly thugish profile. At some fairly early point in the dorm room episode and subsequent court sentencing, one assumes some big Buckeye "guns" came to Irry's aid. I'm guessing from the football side of OSU rather than the Student Affairs Committee (or whatever it's currently named). I'm also guessing the sentencing judge put in fairly long probation, with teeth, after seeing more than one bully parade through the system.
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The Trappasso and Joe things are no big things. I think we all are guilty of the same two things. Most college kids have tasted alcohol before they turn 21.... And I think we've all walked outside of a private establishment/ residence with an open container. Bottom line.... who cares.
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Well, if it's true that Joe didn't show up for court, that's not good, but I agree with your general point. Besides, Branden is over 21. I mean, if every kid who drank at OSU got cited for underage drinking, they wouldn't have room at the courthouse for anything else.
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Great pics of the Ira and Li in their new uniforms....I hope it was worth it jackasses!!!!!


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