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TE Louis Irizarry (official thread)

What a shame. What could have possibly induced these two guys of doing something so despicable? I have no idea.

As a father, I am frustrated about the indiscressions of my kids about home work, women (or lack thereof) and a little Jack daniels. I guess I should considered myself fortunate.

I have no doubt JT wll handle this situation correctly.
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When Izzy had his first indiscretion last year, I was one of the vast majority who thought that a second chance was in order. Not only did he waste his opportunity for redemption, but he may have turned one of his teammates rotten in the process. If Izzy hadn't been around, then maybe Ira doesn't get into trouble. Just something to consider the next time someone commits a major violation - maybe one strike and you're out isn't such a bad policy.
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I wouldn't go so far as a "one strike, you're out" policy, but rather what the violation was and how serious it was. Irizarry's assault last year, coupled with his previous record back in Youngstown, should've been a red flag. I was a cautious supporter of him last year, but I didn't know about his high school record. Even so, there's no doubt in my mind that if he is indeed guilty of these current charges, he should be permanently kicked off the team. Fuck it, let him play for Miami...
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MililaniBuckeye said:
I wouldn't go so far as a "one strike, you're out" policy, but rather what the violation was and how serious it was. Irizarry's assault last year, coupled with his previous record back in Youngstown, should've been a red flag. I was a cautious supporter of him last year, but I didn't know about his high school record. Even so, there's no doubt in my mind that if he is indeed guilty of these current charges, he should be permanently kicked off the team. Fuck it, let him play for Miami...

I must have missed it somewhere buried in this thread. what's the deal with LI's "previous record"?
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A fellow BP member PM'd me and said that he knows that "Irizarry was found delinquent in Mahoning County during his junior year for shoplifting, and he was also before the juvenile court more than once for fighting episodes." I had alluded to that earlier in this thread.
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Tressel needs to stop handling player rule violations in-house and keeping everything a secret when players screw up. Fans and taxpayers pay his wages. Letting the public know what's going on may force stricter consequences for violations. It's obvious something needs to change before tOSU reputation gets beat in the dirt by other schools who are recruiting the same players. The football staff needs to be held more accountable for the punishment of players who violate rules.
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What player violations have been handled "in house" that you'd like to know about? I'm sure embarassing players in public for non-legal issues would be a great plus for recruiting too.
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Tressel needs to stop handling player rule violations in-house and keeping everything a secret when players screw up. Fans and taxpayers pay his wages. Letting the public know what's going on may force stricter consequences for violations. It's obvious something needs to change before tOSU reputation gets beat in the dirt by other schools who are recruiting the same players.
If any violation is under the umbrella of academics, you and everyone else in Ohio that "pays his wages" do NOT have a right to know. It is a volation of Federal law to discuss academics and any disciplinary actions associated with academics.

If the "violation" is an open container, speeding ticket, or worse assault and robbery, that is public record and we do find out about it.

The other stuff that may be in between, being late for a practice or missing a study table or missing curfew, why do we the public and fans need to know. It is better handled in house.
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You didn't answer my question. What incidents do you feel entitled to know about punishments for? If a guy is late for practice, do you feel privy to that too? Buckiprof just expressed the gist of my last two posts much better than I di.
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I know academics is off-limits. However, what I'm doing is starting some dialogue on the how to reduce crimes commited by players. If my idea draws criticism then what will work better?
My thought is that players will be held accountable by the community and not just the staff and this may be a motivater for players to follow the rules. I think there should be some boundries drawn on disclosure.
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I think going to jail would qualify as being "held accountable by the community". I think being the top story on the 10 o clock news would too. I think being publicly suspended from games by Coach Tressel(as Irrizary was last year for instance, or Reynolds), would not qualify as "in house". I'm really puzzled by what your beef is.
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