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TE Louis Irizarry (official thread)

ekeen said:
Does anyone know if these two guys beat up a white kid? Could this also be a hate crime (seriously)?

Doesn't sound like it. Guy thought Irizarry was white!

Dispatcher: "OSU police, what is your emergency?"
Caller: "We just got jumped on College. Right at College and Woodruff."
Dispatcher: "OK, what did they look like?"
Caller: "Black male, white guy. Got out of a blue Probe with a dent in the side. The left side."
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Youngstown Vindicator 2003 Player of the Year ... three-time all-state and All-Steel Valley Conference selection ... enjoys playing basketball in his spare time ... one of his greatest thrills in sports is entering the field before and seeing all the fans... is an excellent student … National Honor Society member (2001, 2002)... has been involved in numerous community service projects ...

That's direct from Louis' player bio on ohiostatebuckeyes.com - classic, no? 'Community service'...maybe his victims all have outstanding debts to the government?
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vrbryant said:

That picture is hilarious.

*edit* maybe he needs Jack Nicholson to move in with him for some ANGER MANAGEMENT. Maybe we can keep them on the team, just have them locked up in padded rooms most of the time, especially Louis, he seems like he's got a real problem controlling his temper. Maybe he's the answer at the mike LB spot and can be our next great two-way performer.

just a thought. padded rooms might be a bit much but diseased, mentally, is a possibility. throwing these guys out might just be contributing to society's greater ills. :tic:
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I don't wanna be too picky either, but technically he was number 88.
VR's comeback: Exxxcellent

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I don't wanna be too picky either, but technically he was number 88. :wink2:
man, i guess i should quit being picky! either that or i should be more careful. you'll have to forgive me, we just finished finals here so my brain's pretty much fried.

(and thanks for the fixed pic)
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bucknut11 said:
man, i guess i should quit being picky! either that or i should be more careful. you'll have to forgive me, we just finished finals here so my brain's pretty much fried.

(and thanks for the fixed pic)

No worries - I was just razzin' ya. Anyway, his number now is probably going to be something like LI-0035239 or something, so I guess we're both wrong.
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Mike and Mike on ESPN were giving Tressel and Geiger a bunch of shit on the show this morning....anyone else hear? I guess I expected it, but I was kinda hoping there wouldn't be a whole lot of attention, at least nationally. Too late now.
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It will only continue to get worse the next few days in the media. More and more outlets will pick up on the story of the arrests and the articles comparing Tressel's and Cooper's records with players running afoul of the law.

I would say the decision has already been made as to the OSU playing days for Ira and Izzy now that the AP article is out quoting Geiger that these guys are done and both he and the coach are disgusted by the actions.
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