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TE Louis Irizarry (official thread)

The truth is we are at a point where we should not have to take as many chances on some of these kids as we do. We have a lot of talent and from what I have seen we can win with less talent than the other team based on how we have won some of our games (see Fiesta Bowl).

My question is why are we, The Ohio State University, taking chances on kids that have the type of background that could be leading to something like this. I know JT wants to give guys second chances, or thinks he can turn kids lives around, but it is not worth the chance if it could cause an embarassment of The Ohio State University. We at this point are at or near the top of the mountain, and should be taking the best of the best in all three categories. We should not have to comprimise.

To be fair our team has had almost all of the kids performing well in the classroom, a far cry from the last few years under Cooper. Our kids all for the most part perform well, with class and dignity, on the football field (The Reynolds play is the biggest reason I have to say for the most part).

In the Community is where there is a problem. Although the way Tibor stated it was to get a rise out of people, he is correct in his assesment. Something must be done. Now when I get upset is when I here thing like DUI's, assult, theft, etc. The underage drinking stuff doesn't mean as much to me because that could be a cop who is just having a bad night and so they take it out on the kid who is just living the college life. How many parties on campus do you think have under age drinking at them, My guess 90%.

It has been pointed out on local Columbus radio that 95% of all of JT's recruits and players have performed perfectly in all three areas since he took over. It is a few bad eggs that are causing all of the stink. My thinking is why did we need to recruit those few bad eggs, especially if there was a history behind them that you could see this potentially coming?

You can't blame the coaches for the players actions and poor choices once the players are here, but you can question why they are here in the first place. That is the source of my frustration with this.
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Which kids are we taking chances on? I know somebody said Irrizarry had some prior issues, but what prior issues did Guilford have? I don't know how people expect the coach to be a mind reader.
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"tibor, no offense but do you actually believe that its soley the coach's fault for a young kid at college who is out late and makes stupid mistakes or visits his home and gets into trouble? Its IMPOSSIBLE for ANY head coach to "babysit" his players 24-7, I would hope that those kids parents taught their son right from wrong, it starts at home."

You're right. Which is why it was really dumb of Tressel to act like he could make the claim that his players will be pillars in the community. Right now, his players have an arrest record that's the same as Cooper's.
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tibor75 said:
Blame Tressel for his idiotic line at that scUM game..."you'll be proud of our players...in the classroom...in the community". Yep, real proud for sure. He's the one who said it...so he deserves all the blame when it doesn't happen.
so if i say we will solve the world hunger problem in 5 minutes and it doesnt happen...is it MY fault?
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You're right. Which is why it was really dumb of Tressel to act like he could make the claim that his players will be pillars in the community. Right now, his players have an arrest record that's the same as Cooper's.
Tibor, obviously he strives for everyone of the players on the team to handle themselves with class and dignity and I am sure he sets the right example but he said that statement during halftime of a basketball game right after he was hired because that is what he envisions, now 12-13 players getting into trouble during 3.5 years a pattern? Maybe, but look at Penn State, they had 11 arrested in the last year alone!

Its just not as simple as blaming the coach, how about the parents take some blame on how they raised the kid! I believe coach T is doing things the right way and every case is diffferent and needs to be handled in the appropriate way, now with that said, I think he has been fair with second chances.
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According to Andy Geiger, both Guilford and Irizarry are gone.

Andy Geiger made it plain enough. He’s tired of a few bad apples giving the entire Ohio State athletic department a black eye. Therefore, he has already made examples of football players Louis Irizarry and Ira Guilford. A more accurate description of the pair, which were arrested after a May 1 assault, would be ex-football players ... at least at Ohio State.

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I think Ira is a semi-PR move (not that that is a bad thing). I think AG knows the reputation that OSU is getting in the general public at large (largely becuase of the media hooplah) and he wants to try and combat that the only way he can.
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3yardsandacloud said:
Wow. Louis doesn't surprise me (2 strikes), but Ira gets the axe too? I guess I'd rather AG take a strong stance though. These type of offenses need to STOP RIGHT NOW (especially felonies).

I'm not surprised at all by Ira also getting the boot considering it was a violent crime that he committed. Had it been something like drinking I could foresee another shot.

But I don't think anyone should get a second chance after doing something that severe.
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sears, I understand that view. I was thinking that Ira would be getting a 1 year suspension and Izzy would be gone. Just a bit surprised that the "punishment" mechanism at OSU semms to have finally changed. Zero or very little tolerance. I'm also surprised that this was handed down before trial. Seems AG must know (or have a pretty good idea) what happened. I'm certainly not upset with AG for taking a hard stance on the matter.
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3yards, I agree with you, but I don't think a plea/conviction should be necessary to kick a player off. There's no right to play for tOSU. It's a shame that it has come to this, but AG's right. Let's stop the bleeding (sorry for the pun) now. If it takes booting Ira, then so be it.
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3yardsandacloud said:
Just a bit surprised that the "punishment" mechanism at OSU semms to have finally changed. Zero or very little tolerance. I'm also surprised that this was handed down before trial. Seems AG must know (or have a pretty good idea) what happened. I'm certainly not upset with AG for taking a hard stance on the matter.
Definitely 3yards.

It's very refreshing to see though after the troubles our players have got themselves into the past few years.
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rugby, I agree. There's no reason to wait for a guilty/not-guilty determination to take action. If the situation warrants some action, then do it. I'm just surprised because that has always been the prevailing train of thought (wait until the trial is over).
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