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Tay"LLLL"or "LLLL"ewan (douchebag)

OhioState001;2364703; said:
Even more bizarre that she didn't follow through in criminal court then. So you're going to criminalize Gibbons over this article?
As I said in your reputation message, it is no wonder that victims don't want this type of crime to become the news when there are attitudes like yours that will call into question the integrity of the victim.
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The Lewan thing is pretty disturbing since that piece makes it sound like that's an undisputed allegation.

It's also a felony to threaten an alleged rape victim.

The rest is he said/she said. Vaginal tearing is hardly exclusive to rape situations. And bruising, depending on the variation, isn't at all unusual if two drunk people are having spontaneous sex in unfamiliar territory. Not saying Gibbons is innocent, but there's enough reasonable doubt without cooberation.
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OhioState001;2364703; said:
Even more bizarre that she didn't follow through in criminal court then.

OSU_Buckguy;2364709; said:
it's hardly bizarre that actual rape victims don't always press charges. you must have led a relatively carefree life to be so baffled why some who experience life-changing traumas don't respond so uniformly.


My second wife was raped by a 'friend'. She absolutely refused to press charges as she wanted to distance herself from the event as much as possible.

Going back farther I know at least three other women who were raped and didn't press charges because of the potential pain/humiliation/horror it would entail.
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OhioState001;2364676; said:
Never understood why someone who says they were so traumatized by this "crime" didn't want to press criminal charges.

You obviously don't personally know a rape victim. They don't want to be humiliated, vilified through the media, nor through people's opinions of them.
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An article first published Nov 22, 2009

A University of Michigan football player was arrested this morning after a female student reported he sexually assaulted her.

The man was questioned and released as detectives continue to investigate the 2 a.m. incident in the 600 block of South State Street, Ann Arbor police Det. Dave Monroe said.

Police would not release the name of the player today.

Both the man and accuser are 18 years old, Monroe said.

Monroe said this afternoon that the man and woman know each other. He said the incident occurred during a party, but declined to release further details about the allegations.

So far, no charges have been filed. Monroe said detectives are interviewing others, and the case remains under investigation.

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alexhortdog95;2364763; said:
You obviously don't personally know a rape victim. They don't want to be humiliated, vilified through the media, nor through people's opinions of them.
Plus, a guy like that will probably rape again, so let the next victim stop him... or maybe one of the ones after that.

I have tremendous sympathy for someone who is raped, and completely understand wanting privacy, but you just don't allow something horrible to happen to an innocent party when you can stop it.
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Disgusting. If there's any truth to any of this, Lewan and Gibbons are some vile human beings...and for more than just their poor choice of football teams.

Also, love the walmart wolverines trolling the comments section. :roll2:
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Deety;2364771; said:
Plus, a guy like that will probably rape again, so let the next victim stop him... or maybe one of the ones after that.

I have tremendous sympathy for someone who is raped, and completely understand wanting privacy, but you just don't allow something horrible to happen to an innocent party when you can stop it.

Not disputing your level of sympathy, just your understanding of a victim's reasoning of why they don't come forward right away.
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Deety;2364771; said:
Plus, a guy like that will probably rape again, so let the next victim stop him... or maybe one of the ones after that.

I have tremendous sympathy for someone who is raped, and completely understand wanting privacy, but you just don't allow something horrible to happen to an innocent party when you can stop it.

Hey, hey now! You're never going to get elected to the PSU BoT with THAT kind of attitude, missy!
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OSU_Buckguy;2364694; said:
i didn't say this was a cover-up.

Not what I meant. He's skeptical because of all the false rape allegations that have happened. You mentioned why he shouldn't be skeptical because of all the cover ups.

I just meant apples to oranges as it can't be a coverup if the person wasn't willing to press charges. Now had she wanted to and charges never came up, that's a different story.

It's also very possible I misread the intent of your post
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Coqui;2364784; said:
Not what I meant. He's skeptical because of all the false rape allegations that have happened. You mentioned why he shouldn't be skeptical because of all the cover ups.

I just meant apples to oranges as it can't be a coverup if the person wasn't willing to press charges. Now had she wanted to and charges never came up, that's a different story.

It's also very possible I misread the intent of your post
i wasn't implying that the poster shouldn't be skeptical. instead, i was just questioning how he's decided to be skeptical of the girl but not the alleged rapist. the poster has chosen to be skeptical of the girl based on accounts of completely unrelated false accusations while seemingly dismissing instances of programs turning a blind eye, being willfully ignorant, or unabashedly sweeping problems under the rug.

yes, we live in a society where one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. i'm neither a judge nor juror, though. the preponderance of circumstantial evidence lies with the alleged victim. i don't know if gibbons is guilty, but i wager that the rape kit findings and the timeliness of her reactions were representative of what happened in that room.

as far as lewan is concerned, even fellow teammates felt his behavior was repugnant enough for the police to be contacted and for them to warn him.
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