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Tay"LLLL"or "LLLL"ewan (douchebag)

Never understood why someone who says they were so traumatized by this "crime" didn't want to press criminal charges. I've seen enough of these rape allegations against athletes to become skeptical. Not saying the crime didn't take place I'm just very skeptical. The threats were dumb though.
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OhioState001;2364676; said:
I've seen enough of these rape allegations against athletes to become skeptical.

Kind of a ridiculous statement. No one is cashing in on Brandon freakin Gibbons. Not to mention that she is a scholarship athlete herself.
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heisman;2364682; said:
Kind of a ridiculous statement. No one is cashing in on Brandon freakin Gibbons. Not to mention that she is a scholarship athlete herself.
No one was cashing in on Roger Lewis either or that one last year where Dodson's name came up. Both turned out to be phony. Roger Lewis ended up missing on some MAC full rides because of it.
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OhioState001;2364676; said:
Never understood why someone who says they were so traumatized by this "crime" didn't want to press criminal charges.
good point... because choices are so clear after being sexually violated to the point of having vaginal tears.

I've seen enough of these rape allegations against athletes to become skeptical. Not saying the crime didn't take place I'm just very skeptical.
but you're not skeptical after seeing so many cover-ups and blind eyes?

The threats were dumb though.
"dumb"? you label his threats as dumb? yeah, it's just... dumb... to threaten to rape a girl.
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OSU_Buckguy;2364687; said:
good point... because choices are so clear after being sexually violated to the point of having vaginal tears.

but you're not skeptical after seeing so many cover-ups and blind eyes?

"dumb"? you label his threats as dumb? yeah, it's just... dumb... to threaten to rape a girl.

It's not a cover up if she's not willing to press charges. She's worried it will become too high profile that it will put her in the news, yet this article is in the news.
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OSU_Buckguy;2364687; said:
good point... because choices are so clear after being sexually violated to the point of having vaginal tears.

but you're not skeptical after seeing so many cover-ups and blind eyes?

"dumb"? you label his threats as dumb? yeah, it's just... dumb... to threaten to rape a girl.

Vaginal tear does not mean it wasn't consensual. Even with this evidence she still wouldn't take it to criminal court but could tell a random reporter on facebook? Nope no red flags here.

No I'm not going to criminalize Lewan and Gibbons over this article. As far as I'm concerned it's innocent until proven guilty in this country.
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OhioState001;2364693; said:
Vaginal tear does not mean it wasn't consensual. Even with this evidence she still wouldn't take it to criminal court but could tell a random reporter on facebook? Nope no red flags here.

No I'm not going to criminalize Lewan and Gibbons over this article. As far as I'm concerned it's innocent until proven guilty in this country.
right, because girls who have consensual sex or rough sex (causing vaginal tearing and bruising on the arms) usually immediately call a friend, report the incident to the resident advisor, report the incident to the housing security advisor, report the incident to the campus police, report the incident to the city police, and then have a rape kit done.

if you're going to lump her in with all the other false rape allegations on football players, then please locate all the other ones where the alleged victim reported the rape to multiple agencies and then had a rape kit performed that backed her claims.
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OSU_Buckguy;2364697; said:
right, because girls who have consensual sex or rough sex (causing vaginal tearing and bruising on the arms) usually immediately call a friend, report the incident to the resident advisor, report the incident to the housing security advisor, report the incident to the campus police, report the incident to the city police, and then have a rape kit done.

if you're going to lump her in with all the other false rape allegations on football players, then please locate all the other ones where the alleged victim reported the rape to multiple agencies and then had a rape kit performed that backed her claims.

and have the attacker's buddies issuing threats in order to keep the accuser quiet.
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OSU_Buckguy;2364687; said:
good point... because choices are so clear after being sexually violated to the point of having vaginal tears.

but you're not skeptical after seeing so many cover-ups and blind eyes?

"dumb"? you label his threats as dumb? yeah, it's just... dumb... to threaten to rape a girl.

OSU_Buckguy;2364697; said:
right, because girls who have consensual sex or rough sex (causing vaginal tearing and bruising on the arms) usually immediately call a friend, report the incident to the resident advisor, report the incident to the housing security advisor, report the incident to the campus police, report the incident to the city police, and then have a rape kit done.

if you're going to lump her in with all the other false rape allegations on football players, then please locate all the other ones where the alleged victim reported the rape to multiple agencies and then had a rape kit performed that backed her claims.
Even more bizarre that she didn't follow through in criminal court then. So you're going to criminalize Gibbons over this article?
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OhioState001;2364703; said:
Even more bizarre that she didn't follow through in criminal court then. So you're going to criminalize Gibbons over this article?
it's hardly bizarre that actual rape victims don't always press charges. you must have led a relatively carefree life to be so baffled why some who experience life-changing traumas don't respond so uniformly.
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