I totally agree.
We should also send one to the 98% of Native Americans who died due to that book, and to countless foreigners, and apologize for idiots like Santorum who preach discrimination based upon it, and to all those who idiots like him said "dancing" or "bare ankles" were evil in their ages (it is no different now, just different subjects to attack for the weird religious freaks) and to all the Muslims who were actually educated but whom the whites attacked in the Crusades, and obviously for the subjugation of women in all Abrahamic religions, and for ignoring every passage of the holy book of the moment (there have been many) except for the hateful and discriminatory ones, and of course we should apologize to black people for slavery because the good book said it was okay, and then maybe we apologize to all the South American governments we installed, to the death of their people and populace, for the good name of Christianity, and maybe a few Jews, and maybe me, and then they will all understand that we really finally found the "right" Christianity, which has had thousands of interpretations, and since we have the "right" one now we do everything correctly.
Or something.
And notice the similarity between everything I mentioned in my random rant? Everyplace I mentioned has squirrels. Connect the dots sheeple.