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I may be wrong, but my understanding is that is a a bullshit compilation of nut job theories that only flying saucer/ancient civilization conspiracy theorist types take seriously. Perhaps I am confusing it with something else.
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buckeyebri;1835259; said:
I have been reading through some of the information that I found on this site...It seems there is some potential historical context to the information. It also seems that it has probably been translated multiple times.


From what I could find, no scholar - ever - has verified that the documents copied (and purportedly making up the "Kolbrin Bible") are real. In fact, nobody with any veracity can claim to have seen any of it. Joseph Smith's disappearing Golden Tablets have more provenance than this stuff...and there is at least record of him being found guilty of fraud for looking through his seer stone into his hat to find treasure before he found his religious texts.

I think it all a marketing gimmick, a way to get rich on the Mayan 2012 fears, and a logical extension of the Dan Brown book/movie excitment and the popularity/sales of the various Gnostic texts.

But that is just my opinion. No offense meant.
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Not sure where to post this but it seems more religious than political.

President Obama apologized Thursday in a letter to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the burning of Korans at the largest American military base in Afghanistan, according to the White House and Karzai's office. The incident at Bagram Air Base has fueled days of angry protests in the war-torn country.

Three days of protests over the incident have left 14 people dead, including two American soldiers shot dead when an Afghan soldier turned his weapon on them at their base in Khogyani in eastern Nangarhar province, district governor Mohammad Hassan told AFP.

Seems like a bit of an overreaction to a book burning. :ohwell:

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Jake;2114171; said:
Not sure where to post this but it seems more religious than political.

Seems like a bit of an overreaction to a book burning. :ohwell:

In my opinion, this is the kind of shit that happens when people worship a book and not the G-d that book is supposed to be talking about. I mean, seriously.... If your god can't survive a book going up in flames, maybe its time to find a new god to worship. And.. go buy another Koran then, for fucks sake.. I'm sure they sell them all over the fucking place. Hard to get too upset when ya can just go buy another copy.

I don't know... I'm probably simplifying it too much.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2114339; said:
In my opinion, this is the kind of shit that happens when people worship a book and not the G-d that book is supposed to be talking about. I mean, seriously.... If your god can't survive a book going up in flames, maybe its time to find a new god to worship. And.. go buy another Koran then, for fucks sake.. I'm sure they sell them all over the fucking place. Hard to get too upset when ya can just go buy another copy.

I don't know... I'm probably simplifying it too much.

The US Gov't should send a plane with a few thousand Korans/Qu'rans in order to mitigate the PR disaster.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2114339; said:
In my opinion, this is the kind of shit that happens when people worship a book and not the G-d that book is supposed to be talking about. I mean, seriously.... If your god can't survive a book going up in flames, maybe its time to find a new god to worship. And.. go buy another Koran then, for fucks sake.. I'm sure they sell them all over the fucking place. Hard to get too upset when ya can just go buy another copy.

I don't know... I'm probably simplifying it too much.

I don't think you're simplfying it too much at all. If you're a religious person I would think your supreme being would be the focus.

What wasn't originally part of the story is WHY our troops took the korans away in the first place. It seems the devout muslims were defacing the korans, using them to pass notes to one another. Funny how they left out that part.

As far as I'm concerned we should get the hell out of there and stop fucking apologizing. If they become a problem, I refer back to my original thoughts on Afghanistan from a decade ago:

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