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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1836785; said:
Been there, done that, gunna be in Baton Rouge on Tuesday and staying away from the road kill jambalaya!

i've only eaten roadkill once.
but i can vouch for it being really fresh.

we took out a deer with a truck once (took out the truck too).

after looking it over, Wildlife and Fisheries said we could keep the deer if we wanted it.

OSU_Buckguy;1836838; said:
i've always wondered what you sec fans were chanting. it's so hard to tell due to the massive tooth loss that is common among your fanbases.

gonna have to show this to my son.
he's been without his top 4 front teeth since before his 3rd birthday.
not sure what he's gonna look like when his permanent teeth finally grow out.
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Arkansas News article talking about TP. Arkansas D coordinator has some high praise for TP, then says "Those people that we?ve called also haven?t played against (LSU?s Jordan) Jefferson and Newton and (Chris Relf) at Mississippi State. Even though he?s not of the same dimensions and stuff, he?s basically the same athlete as (Ole Miss?) Jeremiah Masoli"

He was discussing having made calls to coaches who played us this year, and saying that they all basically told him that TP is much faster than he appears. He went on to say this.

I hope he thinks that TP is the same athlete as Masoli. :slappy:

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buckeye78;1837016; said:
Even though he?s not of the same dimensions and stuff, he?s basically the same athlete as (Ole Miss?) Jeremiah Masoli"
Yeah, I can see how he's basically the same type of athlete as Masoli. I mean, he is black and plays the QB position. :roll2:
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They both led their respective teams to a Rose Bowl berth last season too...

Of course, that's where the comparison ends and I think it was pretty obvious which player was deserving of the Rose Bowl MVP.
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Steve19;1836901; said:
For our Arkansas visitors, a bit of background may help explain the Wisconsin outcome. Ohio State' secondary took a few serious hits in early games with injuries to key players. Both the O-line and D-line had people injured and Pryor also had a thigh injury. So, in the game that Ohio State needed to be healthy, injuries had removed several starters and limited the performance of several others.

Wisky is big and imposed themselves very quickly to run up a lead that would not be overcome. Give them their due, they are a very physical and talented opponent. Still, I and many others here believe that a healthier Ohio State would beat them today by 10-14 points, or more.

Some Arkansas fans would say the same thing about the Razorback games vs. Alabama and Auburn.

Specifically, had our run game been what it is now when we played Alabama, many would say we'd have beaten Alabama handily.

On the Auburn game, had Mallett not gone out with an injury and a couple of very bad calls gone the other way, many would say we'd have beaten them too.

So, had all of the above happened, both Arkansas and OSU would be undefeated and playing in the NC game.

But, about a dozen other teams could all say that as well.
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buckeye78;1837016; said:
Arkansas News article talking about TP. Arkansas D coordinator has some high praise for TP, then says "Those people that we?ve called also haven?t played against (LSU?s Jordan) Jefferson and Newton and (Chris Relf) at Mississippi State. Even though he?s not of the same dimensions and stuff, he?s basically the same athlete as (Ole Miss?) Jeremiah Masoli"

He was discussing having made calls to coaches who played us this year, and saying that they all basically told him that TP is much faster than he appears. He went on to say this.

I hope he thinks that TP is the same athlete as Masoli. :slappy:


Or, if you prefer, Cam Newton. You know, the guy who won the Heisman.

?This guy is a lot like Cam Newton to be honest with you,? Robinson said. ?He?s of that nature.?


?He?s pretty magical. He really is,? Robinson said. ?He?s a youngster that has great size. He has great feet. He can throw the ball. He can run the ball and he creates when they?re attempting to throw the ball.

?He?s a very dynamic football player and he?s very willing to put the game on his shoulders.?
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SmoovP;1837024; said:
Or, if you prefer, Cam Newton. You know, the guy who won the Heisman.

That's fair. The point is, I'm not sure how his logic is working then. Basically, he thinks that Cam, TP and Masoli are the same athlete then?

If I said, Mallet is a great quarterback. He's definitely in the same class with Tom Brady. He's got all the tools of a Tim Couch (NFL Couch that is). Which comment would make more of an impression on you?
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buckeye78;1837029; said:
That's fair. The point is, I'm not sure how his logic is working then. Basically, he thinks that Cam, TP and Masoli are the same athlete then?

If I said, Mallet is a great quarterback. He's definitely in the same class with Tom Brady. He's got all the tools of a Tim Couch (NFL Couch that is). Which comment would make more of an impression on you?

It wouldn't make much of an impression on me either way.

If people are predisposed to take what Robinson said as a slight against TP, then that's what they are going to do.
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It's a remarkably stupid comment. It sounds like the nonsense you expect to read on an ESPN message board filled with clueless 14 year olds, not from the defensive coordinator of a BCS squad.

It is also pretty stupid to motivate Pryor with press quotes. While bulletin board material gets overblown in most situations, Pryor has pretty thin skin towards the media and that stuff generally fuels his better performances. When he is the toast of the town he can be pretty average, but when everyone is ready for Oregon to outclass them with their speed & skill on offense, he raises his game considerably.
Arkansas News article talking about TP. Arkansas D coordinator has some high praise for TP, then says "Those people that we?ve called also haven?t played against (LSU?s Jordan) Jefferson and Newton and (Chris Relf) at Mississippi State. Even though he?s not of the same dimensions and stuff, he?s basically the same athlete as (Ole Miss?) Jeremiah Masoli"
Other than being complete opposites as runners. Masoli is a lot tougher, stronger between the hashes, runs the read option a lot better, and is also a lot slower, nowhere near as slippery outside of or strong inside of the pocket.
Dryden;1837017; said:
Yeah, I can see how he's basically the same type of athlete as Masoli. I mean, he is black and plays the QB position. :roll2:
He's not even black, he's hawaiian, and about 6-7 inches shorter than Pryor.

TP & Newton share a lot of common traits, but they are very different players also.

Jordan Jefferson has not equaled what Masoli was at Oregon, let alone the dynamic ability of the other two.
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