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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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buckeye78;1837045; said:
It's not about whether or not it's a slight. It's about the fact that if your D Coordinator thinks that Masoli is as good an athlete as TP, then your defense is less likely to be prepared for what they see Jan. 4th.

How's this...

Mallett has a good arm, I'd say he's a similar quarterback to Ben Chappell or Adam Weber. We'll prepare as such.

Chappell and Weber aren't similar in stature, arm strength, or offenses run. It demonstrates a lack of understanding that was the point of my original post.

While I have not been a huge fan of Willy Robinson in the past, I really think he is not that dumb to think that TP is just another version of Masoli. He saw enough of Cam Newton et al to know that the D is vulnerable to a scrambling QB.
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jwinslow;1837082; said:
I stand corrected, I went with google for a quick answer.

Yeah, he went to Saint Louis High School in Honolulu for his senior year of high school, so a lot of sites list him as being from Hawaii. Hawaiian names don't have "F", "S", or "T", so if you see a name like "Fuamatu-Ma'afala", or in this case, "Masoli", it's not Hawaiian.
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MililaniBuckeye;1837269; said:
Yeah, he went to Saint Louis High School in Honolulu for his senior year of high school, so a lot of sites list him as being from Hawaii. Hawaiian names don't have "F", "S", or "T", so if you see a name like "Fuamatu-Ma'afala", or in this case, "Masoli", it's not Hawaiian.

So you're saying Tom Selleck is not a native Hawaiian?:(
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bassbuckeye07;1837267; said:
4)Best snipers in the world


Someone disagrees
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