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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Coqui;1837397; said:
But sniper training takes place where I was born. (Ft. Lewis, WA - At least in the Army)

Yes the school, but the most famous snipers in American history have traditionally been from the south or appalachia....check out Gunny Hathcock....born and raised in Arkansas. Done killed 93 Vietnamese targets....

Back to the Sugar Bowl.... pressure on Mallet important
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SEC East vs West

So, I've done some browsing on some Arkansas boards. Interesting information there. Most of it is how hard their schedule is and how soft the Ohio State schedule was.

I've done some fact finding. I knew the SEC East was weak but I didn't know how weak. It would appear that the SEC East is propping up the West and inflating rankings to a degree.

SEC West vs SEC East 16-3 (Miss. w/2 losses @ 1-7)

The five ranked teams in the SEC West were 15-1 against the SEC East. I've drawn my own conclusions from this data. I'll leave you to yours.
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Bill Lucas;1837485; said:
So, I've done some browsing on some Arkansas boards. Interesting information there. Most of it is how hard their schedule is and how soft the Ohio State schedule was.

I've done some fact finding. I knew the SEC East was weak but I didn't know how weak. It would appear that the SEC East is propping up the West and inflating rankings to a degree.

SEC West vs SEC East 16-3 (Miss. w/2 losses @ 1-7)

The five ranked teams in the SEC West were 15-1 against the SEC East. I've drawn my own conclusions from this data. I'll leave you to yours.

My conclusion was that the SEC was every bit as topheavy as the big ten. We just aren't divided into divisions.

The Big 10 with 3 teams in top ten is looked at as kind of a joke, but the SEC west can beat up on some bad teams and their ranking is legit....right?

If the Iowa team from the MSU and OSU games showed up against Minnesota and Northwestern, we could have 4 teams in the top 15...oh well.
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Tlangs;1837516; said:
My conclusion was that the SEC was every bit as topheavy as the big ten. We just aren't divided into divisions.

The Big 10 with 3 teams in top ten is looked at as kind of a joke, but the SEC west can beat up on some bad teams and their ranking is legit....right?

If the Iowa team from the MSU and OSU games showed up against Minnesota and Northwestern, we could have 4 teams in the top 15...oh well.
I guess you didn't get the memo. It doesn't matter that the SEC has bad teams. It only matters that they have good teams. The bad teams should be refered to from now on as SEC LIGHT.
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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1837475; said:
"chirp chirp chirp" damn it sure got quite in here.
Maybe this will help.
14 days 8 hours 53 mins and 25 seconds until the great pig roast begins!:osu::oh:

You will see Arkansas fans cooking baby back ribs and other tailgating specialities. that will probably be the ONLY pig roast that you will see though!
Go Hogs!
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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1837536; said:
I guess you didn't get the memo. It doesn't matter that the SEC has bad teams. It only matters that they have good teams. The bad teams should be called SEC light.

Actually, we call the SEC "light" the eastern division of the SEC. Oh yeah, what are those divisions again of the Big 10, Big 11, Big 12, or whatever y'all should be called now?
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kchogfan;1837540; said:
Actually, we call the SEC "light" the eastern division of the SEC.

so you call the division that has won 11 of 19 conference championships the 'light' division? that doesn't seem to reflect very well on the intelligence or perspective of the "we" you are referring to
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