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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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SmoovP;1837033; said:
It wouldn't make much of an impression on me either way.

If people are predisposed to take what Robinson said as a slight against TP, then that's what they are going to do.

It's not about whether or not it's a slight. It's about the fact that if your D Coordinator thinks that Masoli is as good an athlete as TP, then your defense is less likely to be prepared for what they see Jan. 4th.

How's this...

Mallett has a good arm, I'd say he's a similar quarterback to Ben Chappell or Adam Weber. We'll prepare as such.

Chappell and Weber aren't similar in stature, arm strength, or offenses run. It demonstrates a lack of understanding that was the point of my original post.
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jwinslow;1837034; said:
He's not even black, he's hawaiian, and about 6-7 inches shorter than Pryor.
True. Point being is that all the QBs named (Pryor, Masoli, Relf, Newton, Jefferson) are darker skinned QBs, therefore they must be "athletes" that can't really beat you with the forward pass. It's a stereotype as ridiculous today as it was 25 years ago when Warren Moon and Doug Williams were breaking NFL passing records.

I can't be the only one that read that line and instantly recognized he'd named all the non-caucasian QBs in the SEC, right?
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buckeye78;1837016; said:
Arkansas News article talking about TP. Arkansas D coordinator has some high praise for TP, then says "Those people that we?ve called also haven?t played against (LSU?s Jordan) Jefferson and Newton and (Chris Relf) at Mississippi State. Even though he?s not of the same dimensions and stuff, he?s basically the same athlete as (Ole Miss?) Jeremiah Masoli"

He was discussing having made calls to coaches who played us this year, and saying that they all basically told him that TP is much faster than he appears. He went on to say this.

I hope he thinks that TP is the same athlete as Masoli. :slappy:

Willy Robinson also said TP is like Cam Newton. Robinson knows that his defense will be tested once again. Cam did it, Jeremiah Masoli did it, Jordan Jefferson did it, so did the QB from Mississippi state. They all had success against Arkansas to some degree. I imagine TP will as well. The question to the Hogs is how much can they limit the damage that TP will do and the OSU offense as a whole.
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kchogfan;1836413; said:
Don't bet a lot of money on that statement.

If the Hogs struggle to run or flat out can't do it, then our Dline will start with the bullrush - not giving a damn about anything other then hitting Mallet. Slide Cam inside and Simon outside. That could be a party at the QB, just waiting to happen.
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Dryden;1837050; said:
True. Point being is that all the QBs named (Pryor, Masoli, Relf, Newton, Jefferson) are darker skinned QBs, therefore they must be "athletes" that can't really beat you with the forward pass. It's a stereotype as ridiculous today as it was 25 years ago when Warren Moon and Doug Williams were breaking NFL passing records.

It's also that ridiculous stereotype in reverse that stopped Toby Gerhart from winning the Heisman he deserved.
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