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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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MililaniBuckeye;1833364; said:
McShay compared our schedule against Arkansas'. We have no wins against anyone currenty ranked...none. Arkansas has wins against #11 LSU and #19 South Carolina. He also mentioned that since they also have played against Alabama and Auburn, they've played against four top-20 teams whilst we have played against only one (loss at Wisconsin) and thus they are more "battle-tested" (his exact phrase)...I would agree with that. Just because his logic in his TCU-Wiscy pick may be flawed doesn't mean his logic for his pick in our game is also flawed.

Please don't forget that Arkansas has a win this year over Texas A & M as well we defeated Mississippi State. Both are ranked in the top 25 i believe.
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Nicknam4;1833405; said:
The sad thing is that even if we win the SEC fanboys will try to flap their fat lips into saying that Arkansas is the newcomer and doesn't count.

Still better than losing to them, though.

I promise IF you win, there won't be lips flapping that Arkansas is a newcomer and it doesn't count. It most certainly does count whoever wins. I think it will be a classic match-up of offensive vs. defensive power.
Best wishes to the Buckeyes but I say "Go Hogs!"
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MaxBuck;1833153; said:
Past records of teams against leagues (or even past records of teams against teams) are meaningless, regardless of which ones you're discussing.

This Sugar Bowl will be played between the 2010 Buckeyes and 2010 Razorbacks. Nothing else means squat. It's annoying to me that people even bring up all the other crap. Nonetheless, until tOSU wins a bowl game against an SEC team, they will continue to do so.
And even then it will become "1-9"
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Bill Lucas;1833473; said:
True and the fact that the SEC east shot blanks and has no ranked teams has a LOT to do with this.

Geez Bill, no love at all for the SEC -West from you! C'mon man, It was a helluva year in the west. Lots of really good teams and 1 extraordinary team. I can't help it if South Carolina wins the East and Florida has a bad year. Georgia came back and is bowl eligible, so is Kentucky.

Go ahead, you can at least say the SEC-West was a helluva divisional contest, can't you?
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kchogfan;1833483; said:
Geez Bill, no love at all for the SEC -West from you! C'mon man, It was a helluva year in the west. Lots of really good teams and 1 extraordinary team. I can't help it if South Carolina wins the East and Florida has a bad year. Georgia came back and is bowl eligible, so is Kentucky.

Go ahead, you can at least say the SEC-West was a helluva divisional contest, can't you?

I guess, but if that was any other division in college football, that's a horrible season. South Carolina (9-4), Florida (7-5), Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky (6-6), and finally Vanderbilt (2-10). Looks similar to the Big East and people are outraged an 8-4 team is representing that conference in the BCS. Just saying, there's plenty of media bias.
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Buckeye89Fan;1833485; said:
I guess, but if that was any other division in college football, that's a horrible season. South Carolina (9-4), Florida (7-5), Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky (6-6), and finally Vanderbilt (2-10). Looks similar to the Big East and people are outraged an 8-4 team is representing that conference in the BCS. Just saying, there's plenty of media bias.

Granted that those are SEC-East division teams. The SEC-West beat the East all year long. Things are cyclical. It wasn't that many years ago when the East was beating up on the West! It was the West's turn this year and may remain that way for a few more years.

Here's to a great game between Arkansas(not Arky) and we were a state BEFORE Kansas, and OSU!
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kchogfan;1833483; said:
Geez Bill, no love at all for the SEC -West from you! C'mon man, It was a helluva year in the west. Lots of really good teams and 1 extraordinary team. I can't help it if South Carolina wins the East and Florida has a bad year. Georgia came back and is bowl eligible, so is Kentucky.

Go ahead, you can at least say the SEC-West was a helluva divisional contest, can't you?

I'm just not buying the love. LSU had to have several miracles to avoid being at least a 4 loss team. I believe the 5 ranked teams in the SEC west are 10-1 against the SEC east. Georgia lost to Colorado. Nuff said. There are very good teams in the west. There just aren't THAT many very good teams. BTW, I consider Arkansas to be one of those very good teams.

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Q: How do you know that your son is 6 years old and not 16?

Steve19;1832441; said:

A: He says, after looking at this picture, "Hey, that's a Mahi-Mahi."
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