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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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SmoovP;1828216; said:
It was awful.

And still, despite what Bobby Petrino has done - going from a bare cupboard outhouse, to a fully stocked penthouse in three short years - there are some folks here in Arkansas that would take Houston Nutt back in a heartbeat.

It truly defies a rational explanation.

Oh, we understand-there is a small, but bitter and vocal segment of the Buckeye fanbase that still hasn't fully embraced JT, and deep down inside wants a flavor of the month OC in charge-but they know not to post on this particular board.

Does the Arkansas fanbase believe Petrino-or his DC-will be able to eventaully assemble defenses that rank up there w/ the best in the SEC? Some of the Auburn and Arkansas games I watched briefly or caught the scores of were Pac-10esque.
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I think 28 is about the maximum threshold for points scored by the Hogs so to say that you might will get to 28 is fair, saying that you'll get AT LEAST 28 is not fair. I see Arkansas scoring between the 18-28 point range

Scoring 28 puts Arkansas in a decent position to win, as I'd put OSU in the 24-34 scoring range for this one.
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stxbuck;1828220; said:
Oh, we understand-there is a small, but bitter and vocal segment of the Buckeye fanbase that still hasn't fully embraced JT, and deep down inside wants a flavor of the month OC in charge-but they know not to post on this particular board.

Does the Arkansas fanbase believe Petrino-or his DC-will be able to eventaully assemble defenses that rank up there w/ the best in the SEC? Some of the Auburn and Arkansas games I watched briefly or caught the scores of were Pac-10esque.

There is considerable debate about the state of our Defense and its DC, Willy Robinson.

This time last year, we ranked near the bottom of SEC in defensive stats across the board and lots of folks were calling for him to be fired. We're still there in some areas, but have improved everywhere.

We've clearly improved year to year, and our cupboard was BARE when they got here - genuinely devoid of much D1 level talent - but it really has improved with good recruiting. Lots of underclassmen are contributing in a big way.

So, to answer your question, I think at this point most are willing to take a wait and see attitude regarding the defense in general and Willy Robinson in particular. Also, Willy Robinson has an AWESOME mustache. So we got that going for us, which is nice.

I know this, our success this year is already paying big dividends on the recruiting trail.
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MaxBuck;1828139; said:
OK, whatever. You'll throw 50 on the slow, plodding Ohio State D and laugh at us all night long.

Forgive me; I've heard this same overplayed song way too many times.

stxbuck;1828220; said:
Oh, we understand-there is a small, but bitter and vocal segment of the Buckeye fanbase that still hasn't fully embraced JT, and deep down inside wants a flavor of the month OC in charge-but they know not to post on this particular board.

Does the Arkansas fanbase believe Petrino-or his DC-will be able to eventaully assemble defenses that rank up there w/ the best in the SEC? Some of the Auburn and Arkansas games I watched briefly or caught the scores of were Pac-10esque.
I think we'll have competitive defenses, but I'm not sure if we'll ever have a dominate defense the way Petrino is known for offense. I could be wrong and hope I am, but I think we can have one good enough year in and year out to win games with the offense we will have. I would expect it to be in the top half of the SEC every year.
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razorbackmike;1828053; said:
Ohio State has the 3rd best scoring defense, giving up 13 points per game. LSU has the 9th best scoring defense, giving up 17 points per game.

LSU has played 5 teams in the top 25, and 5 teams that ranked in the Top 50 nationally in Scoring Offense (3 in the Top 25)

OSU has played 1 teams in the top 25, 3 teams that ranked in the Top 50 nationally in scoring offense (1 in the top 25)

We saw what happened to LSU...

I don't think 28 for Arkansas is such a long shot as some think..

But I do expect a good game!

FWIW, the transitive property means precisely "dick". :shrug:

jdevers;1828105; said:
Dude, I can read. He didn't write a James Joyce like paragraph. My point wasn't in attempting to contradict or disprove something he said. I was ADDING INFORMATION.

To turn this around, imagine this scenario. If some Hog fan posted that we have played three recent Big 10 teams. While we were beat by them, the games were very competitive plus Wisconsin 2006, Minnesota 2002, and Michigan 1999 were some of the best teams to ever play the game, would you feel compelled to add your score against those two teams to the discussion? I think you guys beating the Minnesota 2002 edition 34-3 might pop up in the discussion, even though it isn't directly related to the conversation.

No, actually I wouldn't because of my statement above to razorbackmike.
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Bill Lucas;1828195; said:
LSU has a very good defense. It may be the most talented defense in the nation. It may also be the most undisciplined defense in the nation. Arkansas gained 464 yards against LSU. 185 yards of this was on 2 plays. The likelyhood of Arkansas getting 2 plays like that against the Ohio State defense is up there with snowballs in hell. It's something that doesn't happen.

Someone else here has done the work already. I believe Ohio State has given up two plays this season between 38-42 yards with nothing longer and the number of plays they've given up between 20-37 yards is very low. It's a defense that makes you move the chains and paly mistake free football. It's also a defense that gives up 250 yards a gain on average.

A first drive score by Arkansas wouldn't worry me at all. Ohio State has a tendency to come out base and give up some points early and then adjust. Penn State had 56 yards in the second half after gaining over 200 in the first half. Iowa had a similar result. MIchigan got some yards in the 4th quarter but still ended up with less than 100 yards of offense in the second half. In other words, if you're going to get them then get them early.

So, I don't see it playing out like LSU. LSU has given up a ton of huge plays this season. Ohio State has given up zero. You're going to have to earn your points. Perhaps the Hogs are up to the task. :highfive:
I was trying to look up the stats of how many 20+ yard plays OSU has given up and how many Arkansas has had, but I couldn't find it. I did see that OSU has only allowed 7 TD passes this year while Arksnsas has passed for 34. Also OSU is only allowing 250 ypg while Arkansas is gaining close to 500 (489) ypg. Something's gotta give. I personally think that it will be a semi high scoring game with both teams scoring over 25 points.

If OSU has only given up 2 plays over 38 yards this season, don't be surprised if Arkansas matches that number in our game. While I'm sure y'all are thinking that I shouldn't underestimate OSU's defense, Petrino's offense should never be underestimated. He is an offensive genius, and that has nothing to do with Mallett.
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bassbuckeye07;1828287; said:
I said this earlier..... I have watched Petrino since U of L days and he is quite an impressive offensive mind. They will have somthing for us and I think we are going to need to score points in the 30 plus range to win this.
I'm glad to see that you have that much respect for Petrino. I think he has earned that respect. As far as OSU scoring 30, that's not out of the question at all. It should end up being a very good game.
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I personally think that Ohio State's D is similar to LSU's. If we can keep it balanced with Knile and the short pass, I think there will be holes deep for Mallett. Of course, Ohio State has the much better coaching aspect over LSU, and we give up, roughly, 24 PPG on average. I can see the Hogs winning 31-28.
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Hogtropolis;1828126; said:
Thanks for the welcome. I'm not trying to sound all high and mighty, but those teams mentioned didn't play in the SEC. I feel like this team has proven they can put up points against good defenses. I feel that we have been tested more throughout the year than Texas Tech and Wazzu were in their leagues.
Yep, I did acknowledge the contrast between OSU's recent games against sec teams, and nonsec.
While I respect the numbers that OSU has put up, I just don't feel like they've seen an offense like ours this year. Wisconsin, while they're good, doesn't throw it like Arkansas does and Miami is horrible.
There are of course lots of factors, but I think we have an analogy between Mallett in this bowl game and Colt McCoy in the 2009 Fiesta, which TX won 24-21 with a last-minute drive. (McCoy might have been more mobile, though.) But Petrino's offensive strategy is probably superior to Brown's... I know TX didn't play in the SEC, but they were supposed to shred all night long. And it looked like they would start doing just that in the 3rd quarter. But, after 2 consecutive scores from them, the Buckeyes' defense stiffened and forced a 3-and-out. Tressellball, which I mentioned before, took over and the Bucks came literally within 1" on a fourth down play of winning.

I think that's the point. When the Buckeyes take the ball away from Arkansas' offense, the ramifications might be different than what Hog fans are used to.
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Saw31;1828127; said:
If we have any Hogs out there willing, I would like to ask some questions. I am a Buckeye, but I love college football and it's history as well.

Who do most Hog fans consider their main rival? Is it LSU/somebody else in the SEC or do you consider Texas or another team from the old SWC your rival still? You're still scheduling them when possible, no?

Where do you do your recruiting? Does Arkansas have the blue chippers you need or do you raid Texas, Florida etc.?

What are your thoughts about the SWC and your move to the SEC? Do you wish for the "good ole days"? Or were the "good ole days" not so good? :lol:

Do you feel like you're an SEC team or do you still feel more aligned and have more things in common with the Texas schools?

Just interested in your thoughts about the college football landscape considering this last off season and with Nebraska now moving to join the Big Ten+2. Also, there were lots of rumors about Jerry Jones trying to build some momentum to lure the Hogs back to the Big XII. Is that something Hog fans would ever want to do or is it not even a consideration? Are you "all in" with the SEC or would you consider a move if the price and timing was right?

These are just questions from a curious mind. Will be interested in any responses and to see how younger and older fans feel about some of these questions.
As far as rivals go, it depends on who you ask. The youngins will tell you LSU or Alabama, the oldies will tell you Texas, and just about everyone will tell you Houston Nutt.

We have some good players that come out of Arkansas, but no 5 star material. McFadden, Hillis, and Jones were all from Arkansas, so we do a little dipping into Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and Georgia.

Thank God for the SEC! The SWC was extremely corrupt. For example, we would have a referee crew all from the State of Texas when we'd play.

I feel like we're an SEC team, but if you ask any other team from the SEC, minus South Carolina, they'll tell you that Arkansas and SC are still the Step-Children of the SEC.

Missouri should be in the Big 10, IMHO. Better fit, and bring more from a revenue stand point. And, heck no I don't want in the Tiny XII!! We get a TON of money from being in the SEC, and should we have a 10 win season, we're a shoe in for a BCS Bowl.
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