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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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EireHog;1824306; said:
Pretty well. I was a little shocked to see your sack rates were so low, as a team, with the talent that you have. I'd put OSU's front 4 as the 3rd most talented group the Hogs have seen this year, but probably 2nd in terms of fundamental play.

It's a little deceiving. We didn't get many sacks....but then again, most offenses played 2-3 step drops and releases. It's near impossible to get sacks that way.....however, there were a lot of incompletions from very good QBs as well.
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Coqui;1824400; said:
It's a little deceiving. We didn't get many sacks....but then again, most offenses played 2-3 step drops and releases. It's near impossible to get sacks that way.....however, there were a lot of incompletions from very good QBs as well.

Just out of curiosity, which of the QBs on your schedule did you consider good?
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EireHog;1824477; said:
Just out of curiosity, which of the QBs on your schedule did you consider good?

I don't think tOSU has faced anybody with an NFL-ready gun like Mallett has this year. As far as NFL-ready QBs in college this year, I'd only put Andrew Luck ahead of Mallett.

As far as QBs that faced tOSU in 2010:

Jacory Harris (Miami) - good arm, but he forces way too many throws

Scott Tolzien (Wisc) - excellent game manager, good at short to medium throws - made much more effective by a devastating ground game

Ricky Stanzi (Iowa) - he cut way down on his picks this year, so he was a good QB. Throws a good deep ball, but he tends to rattle under pressure, though.

Adam Weber (Minn) - Jake Locker-lite (and Locker is WAY overrated). Weber did have some success on tOSU in the deep-middle, though, when tOSU's injury issues at safety were most apparent

Ben Chappell (Ind) - good arm with a team that couldn't protect him

Nathan Sheelhause (Ill) - dual-threat guy that will be a good one. tOSU faced him very early in his career in a wind tunnel in Champaign, so he had trouble throwing the ball

Matt McGloin (Penn St) - he's a game manager type that had a good first half (showing moxie!), and then threw two pick-6s when the coverages got trickier

Shoelace Robinson (TSUN) - he's a scary running threat, but he still struggles making downfield throws

Rob Henry (Purdue) - Purdue lost Marve due to injury, and neither Henry nor Robinson are much of a threat throwing the ball

I'm not bothering to list the QBs of Marshall, Ohio, and Eastern Mich.

In the Big Ten, tOSU didn't face Persa (NW'ern) or Cousins (Sparty). Persa is a good dual-threat QB, and Cousins has a solid arm.
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EireHog;1824477; said:
Just out of curiosity, which of the QBs on your schedule did you consider good?

the big ten usually has pretty good qbs, but osu didn't have to face two of the better ones in cousins and persa.

tolzien, chappel were good.

Denard is a great weapon and decent passer.

Osu certainly has not faced anyone like mallett this year, thanks to our hero bill martin.

Osu's pass rush is not quite as fierce as normal, but part of that is the lack of depth. Simon, heyward and williams can all get after the qb, and larimore, hankins and bellamy can collapse the pocket inside.

The difference is past defenses had guys like simon and williams coming off the bench.
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EireHog;1824477; said:
Just out of curiosity, which of the QBs on your schedule did you consider good?
Oh, I don't know, maybe Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year Denard Robinson, who had 3,959 total yards (third best in the nation, and almost 400 yards more than Cam Newton) and 30 total touchdowns. Also, Miami's Jacory Harris was widely acclaimed by the media as being one of the top QB's in the country. Wisconsin's Scott Tolzien was #4 in the nation in passing efficiency, and Iowa's Ricky Stanzi was #11. It's certainly not like recent past seasons, when Ohio State was facing QB's like Mark Sanchez, Vince Young, Phillip Rivers, Jake Locker, Brady Quinn, Tim Tebow, Colt McCoy (twice), Chad Henne (four times), etc. ... but it's not like the Big Ten QB's are just a bunch of scrubs, either.
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I don't think the Buckeyes have faced a QB this year as good as Mallett, but as LJB's list shows, it's not as if this staff hasn't faced a team with an excellent QB before - they'll have our guys prepared.

Scott Tolzien may not seem too impressive as perhaps the best QB the Buckeyes have faced this year, but I think he might be the most underrated QB in the country and to characterize him as a game manager may be selling him a bit short. Wisky has always had a great OL and power running game, but they don't always have a passing game to keep other teams honest against the run. I think Tolzien provides that for them.
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Dryden;1824510; said:
Don't forget Tate Forcier - a struggling running threat that makes scary downfield throws.

Our new Hog fans need to be sure to check out QBForce.com. It's like a cross between the Marinovich family and the Balloon Boy family - on Geocities.

Read and give thanks you guys got your QB because M*ch*g*n's genius coach wanted to run his offense through a guy like this instead.

Oh, and be sure to click on all of the buttons. Most of the best stuff is somewhat hidden due to comically poor site navigation.
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