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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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jlb1705;1824517; said:
Our new Hog fans need to be sure to check out QBForce.com. It's like a cross between the Marinovich family and the Balloon Boy family - on Geocities.

Read and give thanks you guys got your QB because M*ch*g*n's genius coach wanted to run his offense through a guy like this instead.

Oh, and be sure to click on all of the buttons. Most of the best stuff is somewhat hidden due to comically poor site navigation.
It's funny you bring this up... I was just looking over qbforce.com for a couple of laughs before coming back.... That is one weird fuckin family. Defies explanation, really.
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LordJeffBuck;1824502; said:
Oh, I don't know, maybe Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year Denard Robinson, who had 3,959 total yards (third best in the nation, and almost 400 yards more than Cam Newton) and 30 total touchdowns. Also, Miami's Jacory Harris was widely acclaimed by the media as being one of the top QB's in the country. Wisconsin's Scott Tolzien was #4 in the nation in passing efficiency, and Iowa's Ricky Stanzi was #11. It's certainly not like recent past seasons, when Ohio State was facing QB's like Mark Sanchez, Vince Young, Phillip Rivers, Jake Locker, Brady Quinn, Tim Tebow, Colt McCoy (twice), Chad Henne (four times), etc. ... but it's not like the Big Ten QB's are just a bunch of scrubs, either.

That's not an impressive list, particularly when you delve into how the productivity occurred for the 'top end' guys listed. In terms of guys who could actually throw the ball, Chappell and Indiana seem to have the most acumen, particularly when you consider he was playing with a pretty untalented group of offensive linemen, and playing from behind because Indiana was being Indiana again this year.

It seems, just from reviewing games, that you guys got considerably worse in defending the seams midseason, but have picked it up of late. Did you lose a safety to injury temporarily and they come back?
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EireHog;1824522; said:
That's not an impressive list, particularly when you delve into how the productivity occurred for the 'top end' guys listed. In terms of guys who could actually throw the ball, Chappell and Indiana seem to have the most acumen, particularly when you consider he was playing with a pretty untalented group of offensive linemen, and playing from behind because Indiana was being Indiana again this year.

It seems, just from reviewing games, that you guys got considerably worse in defending the seams midseason, but have picked it up of late. Did you lose a safety to injury temporarily and they come back?
Actually, Ohio State's secondary - particularly the middle, not the corners - has been a MASH unit this season. If it's picked up, it's "on the job training" and not a return of a player.

The loss of CJ Barnett (starting safety) and Tyler Moeller (S/LB Hybrid) were particularly unfortunate (Moeller especially)
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EireHog;1824477; said:
Just out of curiosity, which of the QBs on your schedule did you consider good?

Keeping in mind I'm not comparing them to Andrew Luck or even Ryan Mallet. Just stating these guys weren't slouches as QBs

But Ricky Stanzi, Ben Chappell, and to some extent Boo Jackson
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Etienne Sabino LB
Undisclosed Out indefinitely - 10/29/10 Sabino has been sidelined for undisclosed reasons and remains out indefinitely.

Christian Bryant DB
Infection out for season - 11/7/10 Bryant will miss the rest of the season due to a foot injury.

Tyler Moeller LB
Pectoral out for season - 10/5/10 Moeller will miss the remainder of the season after an MRI revealed a torn pectoral muscle which he suffered against Illinois.

Donnie Evege DB
Elbow out for season - 10/17/10 Evege will miss the rest of the season due to a dislocated elbow.

C.J Barnett DB
Knee out for season - 9/15/10 Barnett will miss the remainder of the season after undergoing surgery to repair a right knee injury.
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I've been harboring a secret for a long, long time.

When I was a kid I had a Hog Hat. I thought that plastic pig-headed hat was the coolest thing ever. I've outgrown that thought.

Welcome Arkansas fans. You seem like a solid group. There's been some stereotyping of Ohio State's offense and defense but I suspect that you'll think differently after seeing them play.

As to the game being a shootout? Ohio State has given up 35 points or more in a football game 6 times in the Jim Tressel era (10 years). Betting that it will take at least 35 points to win the game is going strongly against the odds.
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EireHog;1824522; said:
It seems, just from reviewing games, that you guys got considerably worse in defending the seams midseason, but have picked it up of late. Did you lose a safety to injury temporarily and they come back?

We practically lost our entire secondary and some LBs to injury halfway through the season. The injuries seemed to culminate.......right before we played Wisconsin.

It was getting to the point we were debating burning redshirts due to the injuries.
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Dryden;1824528; said:

Etienne Sabino LB
Undisclosed Out indefinitely - 10/29/10 Sabino has been sidelined for undisclosed reasons and remains out indefinitely.

Christian Bryant DB
Infection out for season - 11/7/10 Bryant will miss the rest of the season due to a foot injury.

Tyler Moeller LB
Pectoral out for season - 10/5/10 Moeller will miss the remainder of the season after an MRI revealed a torn pectoral muscle which he suffered against Illinois.

Donnie Evege DB
Elbow out for season - 10/17/10 Evege will miss the rest of the season due to a dislocated elbow.

C.J Barnett DB
Knee out for season - 9/15/10 Barnett will miss the remainder of the season after undergoing surgery to repair a right knee injury.

Sabino was a redshirt anyway.

Add Corey "Pittsburgh" Brown to your list. Lost to a knee injury in the middle of the season.
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Coqui;1824531; said:
We practically lost our entire secondary and some LBs to injury halfway through the season. The injuries seemed to culminate.......right before we played Wisconsin.

It was getting to the point we were debating burning redshirts due to the injuries.

Do you remember if your injuries were more in the middle (MLB/SS) or on the edge? I really think you guys could do some things defensively if you had an OLB that you trusted in man coverage on an All-American TE.
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EireHog;1824535; said:
Do you remember if your injuries were more in the middle (MLB/SS) or on the edge? I really think you guys could do some things defensively if you had an OLB that you trusted in man coverage on an All-American TE.
Definitely middle. Torrence and Checkwa (Starting corners), while dinged up a little, have been pretty constant this season in terms of playing time.
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Thanks for giving me my first smile of the day, Bill Lucas. It's a proven fact: Hog Hats > Cheese Heads

Well...Hello, Ohio. Reading through these message boards has been a pure joy. It's too bad all college fans can't be mature. Hopefully the camaraderie can last until the opening kick off. Of course, I hate to be assuming Auburn has already won...

My first impression of the game is pretty simple--Pryor scares me. It's no secret that Arkansas has struggled against mobile QB's. It's not like we give up big play after big play, but when it matters most (a.k.a 3rd down) we seem to become extremely porous on defense.
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Dahbomb;1824542; said:
My first impression of the game is pretty simple--Pryor scares me. It's no secret that Arkansas has struggled against mobile QB's. It's not like we give up big play after big play, but when it matters most (a.k.a 3rd down) we seem to become extremely porous on defense.

Coincidentally, that is also when Pryor seems to do the most damage with his legs. :evil:
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Buckeye86;1824546; said:
Coincidentally, that is also when Pryor seems to do the most damage with his legs. :evil:

The end of the Miami game was a thing of beauty. Run on first and second downs for nothing and then let Pryor freelance on 3rd down. Miami knew what was coming and could not stop it until the clock ran out.
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