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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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EireHog;1824535; said:
Do you remember if your injuries were more in the middle (MLB/SS) or on the edge? I really think you guys could do some things defensively if you had an OLB that you trusted in man coverage on an All-American TE.

The Buckeyes have Ross Homan, a WILL LB who led the team last season with 5 INTs.

As mentioned earlier, there have been injury problems at throughout the LB and S positions, and he was no exception, missing two weeks in the middle of the season.

Wisconsin TE Lance Kendricks would have been a pretty good litmus test for seeing how well the Buckeyes defend the TE this year - he's probably every bit as good as Williams - but he was actually out with an injury when Wisky and Ohio State faced off.
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Dahbomb;1824542; said:
My first impression of the game is pretty simple--Pryor scares me. It's no secret that Arkansas has struggled against mobile QB's. It's not like we give up big play after big play, but when it matters most (a.k.a 3rd down) we seem to become extremely porous on defense.

Yeah that's the biggest advantage to having Pryor.

When plays break down or when we need a critical 1st down, it's pure awesomeness watching Pryor.

First, he's a lot harder to bring down than your average mobile QB. Watch replays of games. I can only remember 2-3 times that Pryor went down easily. Every other time, he broke the first two or three tackles before finally being taken down.

Second, he's a lot faster than he looks. His stride is so long, I think defense plan for the perceived speed and set their angles......only to miss him by 5-10 yards. He doesn't go much for the long TD run but he usually does enough to get the 1st down. Whether its 4 yards, or 35 yards. It's not that he's afraid to lay down the boom and if he has to, he will.

He really is the epitome of the term athlete when it comes to what a player comes reqcruited as.
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Dahbomb;1824555; said:
I was afraid that might be case...I think "FML" is the popular phrase these days? Perhaps if Mallet were to switch shoes with Pryor...:sneaky:

Pryor has caused many opposing teams to take the Lord's name in vain.

Now granted, I'm afraid we might let Mallett get into a Rhythm a la McGloin in the first half of the Penn St. game. If that happens, it will spell trouble for us.
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Coqui;1824556; said:
Second, he's a lot faster than he looks. His stride is so long, I think defense plan for the perceived speed and set their angles......only to miss him by 5-10 yards.

Exactly. Arkansas fans can relate. Our ex-QB/cocaine addict NFL WR, Matt Jones, made defenses look like fools game after game. He was a cheetah in sloth's clothing. Very dangerous in nature, by the way.
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BigWoof31;1824543; said:
Good showing from the Arkansas group thus far. Polite and well informed.

This is far cry from our Florida contingent.... :shake:

Especially that Ubet, bastard. Is he ever going to fucking leave? :p
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EireHog;1824522; said:
That's not an impressive list, particularly when you delve into how the productivity occurred for the 'top end' guys listed. In terms of guys who could actually throw the ball, Chappell and Indiana seem to have the most acumen, particularly when you consider he was playing with a pretty untalented group of offensive linemen, and playing from behind because Indiana was being Indiana again this year.

It seems, just from reviewing games, that you guys got considerably worse in defending the seams midseason, but have picked it up of late. Did you lose a safety to injury temporarily and they come back?
i think the same can be said for the passing acumen of the sec. As for pure passers, McCoy 08, Cousins, Henne (06 n 07),

Shutting down vince young's feet after two drives was no small feat, nor his 50 ppg nfl loaded offense. But we are getting off topic :)
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jwinslow;1824576; said:
i think the same can be said for the passing acumen of the sec. As for pure passers, McCoy 08, Cousins, Henne (06 n 07),

Shutting down vince young's feet after two drives was no small feat, nor his 50 ppg nfl loaded offense. But we are getting off topic :)

This was a pretty down year for SEC signal callers, too. Nationally, QB play is down, except perhaps out West.
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BigWoof31;1824543; said:
Good showing from the Arkansas group thus far. Polite and well informed.
This is far cry from our Florida contingent.... :shake:

Looking at the world upside down, the Mutt saw a winning 18-3 record over the hated Gators...

Alas, the record was really 3-18, and when he woke up from passing out from the headstand he was still a mangy, leg humping poop-eater with pee all over his stomach.
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Injuries were big this year. CJ Barnett was playing great football when he was lost for the year. His replacement orhian johnson struggled a lot for awhile. Hr has been steadily turning the corner. The ability has always been there, a rangy big hitter, but he looks excellent on one play and poor on the next. That was always the chatter out of practices a well.

Osu also had a great hybrid in tyler moeller who replaces the 3rd lb in nickel or passing formations. Poor kid was lost for a third consecutive season. He was the victim of that idiot florida fan that cheapshotted him in a bar a fee years ago and almost killed him, with zero instigation.

When he went down, true frosh christian bryant stepped in well but being from cleveland originally, he also contracted a staph infection which sidelined him for six weeks. He will be back in the bowls.

A big boost came from the return of travis howard, osu's third cb. He has great ability but was injured in midseason.

Having him out there let osu move chimdi chekwa, their top corner, to the slot to disrupt denard's offense.

Ross homan was also a bit dinged up at lb.
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SmoovP;1824613; said:
What was your best win of the season?

You worse loss is self-evident. :tic:

Anytime we beat Michigan (no matter how bad or good they are) is our best win of the season.

If you're talking about talent level, I would have to say going away to Iowa and beating them in Iowa was good as it calmed our away game fears.
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Gatorubet;1824588; said:

Looking at the world upside down, the Mutt saw a winning 18-3 record over the hated Gators...

Alas, the record was really 3-18, and when he woke up from passing out from the headstand he was still a mangy, leg humping poop-eater with pee all over his stomach.

He has a point. Gatorsaregood was probably the 4th best gator to visit our board. :atom:
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Great to see all you "Razorbacks fans" coming aboard BP. If all pans out this will be a great matchup in New Orleans and i suppose Ryan Mallet will be up
for this one since his 07 days in Michigan. In my thoughts i think Tressel will have a different game plan set for Arkansas if thats who we end up with. I nver expected to see the game plan that he prepared for Oregon in the Rose Bowl but thats how Coach Tressel is. One of the most memorable game i ever saw was Arkansas and Texas in 1969 in a great ballgame and i think it was played in Arkansas and President Nixon called to congratulate the winning team which i think was Darryl Royal of Texas . It was a hell of a game.
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